Milvus migrans


Taxonomic source(s)
Christidis, L.; Boles, W. E. 2008. Systematics and taxonomy of Australian birds. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Australia.

IUCN Red List criteria met and history
Red List criteria met
Critically Endangered Endangered Vulnerable
- - -

Red List history
Year Category Criteria
2016 Not Recognised
2012 Not Recognised
2010 Not Recognised
2009 Least Concern
2008 Least Concern
2004 Least Concern
2000 Lower Risk/Least Concern
1994 Lower Risk/Least Concern
1988 Lower Risk/Least Concern
Species attributes

Migratory status unset Forest dependency unset
Land-mass type Average mass -

Estimate Data quality
Severely fragmented? no -
Estimate Data quality Derivation Year of estimate
Population size unknown - - -
Population trend - - -

Country/territory distribution
Country/Territory Presence Origin Resident Breeding visitor Non-breeding visitor Passage migrant

Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA)
Country/Territory IBA Name
Austria Delta of the Rhine
Austria Lobau
Austria March/Thaya riverine forest
Austria Riede in the northern Rhein valley
Austria Riverine forests in the Tullnerfeld
Austria Riverine forests on the Danube east of Vienna
Belgium Sinémurienne
Bulgaria Derventski Heights
Bulgaria Harsovska Reka
Bulgaria Lomovete
Bulgaria Ludogorie
Bulgaria Madzharovo
Bulgaria Sakar
Bulgaria Western Strandzha
Croatia Jelas Field
Croatia Lower Posavina
Croatia Podunavlje and Lower Podravlje
Croatia Poilovlje with Carp Fishponds
Croatia Pokuplje Basin
Czechia Confluence of the Morava (March) and Dyje (Thaya) rivers - Tvrdonicko
France Anse de Fouras, baie d'Yves et marais de Rochefort
France Baie de Bourgneuf et marais breton
France Barrage d'Artix et Saligue du Gave de Pau
France Barthes de l'Adour
France Basse Vallée de la Durance
France Basse Vallée du Doubs : Dole Sud
France Bassigny
France Bassin d'Arcachon et Banc d'Arguin
France Bassin du Drugeon: Pontarlier-Frasne
France Brenne centrale
France Brenne Sud
France Côte Médocaine: dunes boisées et dépressions humides
France Crau
France Estuaire de la Gironde : marais de la rive nord
France Estuaire de la Gironde : marais du Nord Médoc
France Etangs d'Argonne
France Etangs de la Woëvre: la Chaussée
France Etangs de la Woëvre: lac de Madine
France Etangs Montpellierains
France Forêt de Chaux
France Forêt de Saou
France Forêt domaniale de la Harth
France Garonne : marais de Bordeaux
France Gorges de la Dordogne
France Gorges de la Truyère
France Gorges du Gardon
France Haut Val d'Allier
France Hautes garrigues du Montpellierais
France Ile d'Oléron, marais de Brouage-Saint-Agnant
France Lac de Grand-Lieu
France Lac du Der-Chantecoq et étangs latéraux
France Lacs de la Forêt d'Orient
France Marais de Brière
France Marais et estuaire de la Seudre
France Marais et forêt d'Olonne
France Marais poitevin et baie de l'Aiguillon
France Moyenne Vallée de la Durance
France Parc National des Ecrins
France Petite Camargue fluvio-lacustre
France Petite Camargue laguno-marine
France Plaine du Forez
France Plateau Ardennais
France Plateau de l'Arbois, garrigues de Lancon et chaîne des Côtes
France Plateaux de Millevaches et de Gentioux
France Pointe de Grave
France Ried de Colmar et Sélestat
France Val d'Allier : Saint-Yorre-Joze
France Val d'Allier Bourbonnais
France Val de Drôme: Les Ramières-printegarde
France Val de Saône
France Vallée de la Charente et de la Seugne (Cabariot-Pons/St-Sever-de-Saintonge)
France Vallée de la Durance : de Tallard à Sisteron
France Vallée de la Garonne : Boussens à Carbonne
France Vallée de la Loire : gorges de la Loire
France Vallée de la Loire : Orléanais
France Vallée de la Saône de Corre à Broye
France Vallée du Rhin : Marckolsheim à Strasbourg
France Vallée du Rhin : Strasbourg à Lauterbourg
France Vallée du Rhin : Village-neuf à Biescheim
Germany Baar
Germany Barnbruch
Germany Berchtesgaden National Park
Germany Berghausener and Lingenfelder Altrhein incl. Flotzgrün island
Germany Bliesgau
Germany Bodanrück and Mindelsee
Germany Bogs and heathlands of the Westmünsterland
Germany Braunschweig sewage farms
Germany Danube valley: Neu-Ulm - Lauingen incl. Faiminger Stausee, Donau-Moos, and Gundelfinger Moos
Germany Danube valley: Regensburg-Vilshofen
Germany Donau-Auen and Donau-Ried: Höchstädt - Donauwörth
Germany Drömling (Niedersachsen)
Germany Drömling (Sachsen-Anhalt)
Germany Elbe lowlands between Schnackenburg and Lauenburg
Germany Forests of Lauenburg
Germany Georgsdorfer and Dalum-Wietmarscher Moor and Alte Piccardie
Germany Gohrischheide
Germany Goldgrund and Daxlander Au
Germany Gravel pits Krauchenwies-Zielfingen
Germany Hakel
Germany Hessian Rhine alluvion
Germany Hohe Geest near Himbergen / Bad Bodenteich
Germany Hördter Rheinaue
Germany Island of Usedom
Germany Lech-Donau-Winkel: Lechstausee Feldheim and Donaustausee Bertoldsheim
Germany Lower Aller lowlands
Germany Lower Gersprenz lowlands incl. Reinheim pond
Germany Lower Havel - Lake Schollene - Lake Gülpe
Germany Lower Rhine
Germany Lowlands of middle Havel
Germany Middle Elbe valley with Steckby-Lödderitz forest
Germany Mittlere Schwäbische Alb with Albuch, Härtsfeld and Schmiechener See
Germany Neckar oxbows in the Hessian Ried
Germany Northern Danube valley and southern Riesalb
Germany Otterstadter and Angelhofer Altrhein incl. Binsfeld
Germany Ploetzkau flood-plain forest
Germany Ponds and Elbe valley near Torgau
Germany Pressel wooded heath and mire
Germany Rheinaue Bingen-Ingelheim
Germany Rhine flats Altlußheim-Mannheim
Germany Rhine flats Karlsruhe - Rheinsheim
Germany Rhön Biosphere Reserve
Germany Rieselfelder Münster
Germany Saale-Elster valley
Germany Schorfheide-Chorin
Germany Schwalm-Nette-Platte and Grenzwald
Germany South-eastern Alb and Upper Danube valley
Germany Spessart
Germany Stechlin
Germany Steinhuder Meer
Germany Uckermark lake region
Germany Untermain
Germany Untersee of Lake Constance
Germany Vogelsberg
Germany Wagbach lowlands
Germany Wahner Heide
Germany Werra meadows near Bad Salzungen
Hungary Béda–Karapancsa
Hungary Bodrogzug–Taktaköz
Hungary Gemenc
Hungary Inner Somogy
Hungary Szigetköz
Italy Agri Valley
Italy Alto Garda Bresciano
Italy Brabbia peatland, Lake Varese and Lake Biandronno
Italy Carniche pre-Alps
Italy Grigne
Italy Lake Bolsena
Italy Lake Bracciano and Tolfa hills
Italy Litorale Romano
Italy Maiella, Pizzi and Frentani mountains
Italy Marchesato and River Neto
Italy Pollino and Orsomarso
Italy River Biferno
Italy River Mincio and Bosco Fontana
Italy Sicani mountains, Rocca Busambra and Ficuzza forest
Italy Ticino river
Lithuania Asveja Regional Park
Lithuania Grazute Regional Park (part of)
Lithuania Initial area of Aukstaitija NP
Lithuania Kauno Marios water reservoir & eastern coastal zone
Lithuania Labanoras Regional Park
Lithuania Lithuanian part of the Curonian Spit
Luxembourg Region of Junglinster
Luxembourg Region of Mompach, Manternach, Bech and Osweiler
Luxembourg Region of Schuttrange, Canach, Lenningen and Gostingen
Luxembourg Region of the Middle Lias
Luxembourg Valley of the Attert
Poland Augustów forest
Poland Drawa River Site
Poland Forest at Gwda River
Poland Lower Odra river valley
Poland Lower Silesia Forests
Poland Middle Odra River Valley
Poland Notec Forest
Poland Oak-hornbeam forests in the Odra valley
Poland Pisz forest
Poland Szczecin lagoon
Poland Witnica-Debno Site
Portugal Arraiolos
Portugal Cabeção
Portugal Castro Verde plains
Portugal Côa valley
Portugal Évora plains
Portugal Mourão, Moura e Barrancos
Portugal Paul de Arzila
Portugal Paul do Boquilobo
Portugal Paul do Taipal
Portugal River Guadiana
Portugal Sabôr and Maçãs
Portugal Serra de Penha Garcia e Campina de Toulões
Portugal Upper River Tejo
Romania Aliman - Adamclisi
Romania Allah Bair - Capidava
Romania Babadag wood
Romania Danube Delta
Romania Dobrogei gorge
Romania Dunăre - Canarale - Hârşova
Romania Dunăre - Ostroave
Romania Dunărea Veche (Braţul Măcin)
Romania Hagieni forest
Romania Lunca Turului Inferior
Slovakia Danube floodplains
Slovakia Medzibodrožie
Slovakia Morava
Slovakia Pusté Úľany - Zeleneč
Switzerland 'Grosses Moos' plain and Niederried reservoir
Switzerland Jura mountains of Baselland - Solothurn
Switzerland La Brévine and Les Ponts-de-Martel
Switzerland Lake Neuchâtel: southern shore
Switzerland Lowlands of Zurich and lower valley of the river Thur
Switzerland Mont Tendre
Türkiye Sarıyar Reservoir
Ukraine Samars'kyj forest

Habitats & altitude
Habitat (level 1) Habitat (level 2) Importance Occurrence
Altitude   Occasional altitudinal limits  

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Species factsheet: Milvus migrans. Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2024) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.