Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus


Taxonomic source(s)
AERC TAC. 2003. AERC TAC Checklist of bird taxa occurring in Western Palearctic region, 15th Draft. Available at: http://www.aerc.eu/DOCS/Bird_taxa_of_the_WP15.xls.
Cramp, S. and Simmons, K.E.L. (eds). 1977-1994. Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The birds of the western Palearctic. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
del Hoyo, J., Collar, N.J., Christie, D.A., Elliott, A. and Fishpool, L.D.C. 2014. HBW and BirdLife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World. Volume 1: Non-passerines. Lynx Edicions BirdLife International, Barcelona, Spain and Cambridge, UK.

IUCN Red List criteria met and history
Red List criteria met
Critically Endangered Endangered Vulnerable
- - -

Red List history
Year Category Criteria
2021 Near Threatened A2cde
2016 Near Threatened A2cde
2014 Near Threatened A2cde
2013 Least Concern
2012 Least Concern
2009 Least Concern
2008 Least Concern
2004 Least Concern
2000 Lower Risk/Least Concern
1994 Lower Risk/Least Concern
1988 Near Threatened
Species attributes

Migratory status not a migrant Forest dependency does not normally occur in forest
Land-mass type Average mass -

Estimate Data quality
Extent of Occurrence (breeding/resident) 61,700,000 km2 medium
Severely fragmented? no -
Estimate Data quality Derivation Year of estimate
Population size 1675-6700 mature individuals poor suspected 2021
Population trend decreasing - suspected -
Rate of change over the past 10 years/3 generations (longer of the two periods) 20-29% - - -
Generation length 14.2 years - - -
Number of subpopulations 2-100 - - -

Population justification: Ferguson-Lees et al. (2001) estimated the population to number 1,000-10,000 individuals, but in Europe the population is estimated at 630-960 pairs, which equates to 1,260-1,920 mature individuals, or roughly 1,890-2,880 individuals (BirdLife International in prep.). The population in Nepal was estimated at c.500 individuals in 2010 (K. Paudel and T. Galligan in litt. 2014). In Iraq, there may be fewer than 20 pairs (R. Porter in litt. 2013), with less than 100 mature individuals in the Arabian Peninsula (Symes et al. 2015). There are estimated to be a few hundred pairs in Ethiopia (I. Angelov in litt. 2011). In 2011, there were only three nest-sites known in Kenya, and six or more in Tanzania, with the population in Uganda unknown, although there was evidence of near total loss of the Mt Elgon population (S. Thomsett in litt. 2011). There are estimated to be 6-10 pairs in Morocco (Cuzin 2019) but not recent information on its status in Algeria, and it is considered extinct in Tunisia (F. Cuzin in litt. 2011). The total population in North Africa is therefore estimated to be c. 8-14 breeding pairs. In southern Africa, including South Africa, the population is estimated at c.100 breeding pairs (S. Krüger in litt. 2012). A revised global estimate is therefore 2,500-10,000 individuals, roughly equating to 1,675-6,700 mature individuals.

Trend justification: Population trends vary throughout the species range. The European population has increased since 1980, largely due to conservation actions such as reintroduction programmes (BirdLife International in prep.). However, surveys in Upper Mustang, Nepal, recorded a decline of 89.3% in the population along the primary transect during 2002-2014, equating to a decline of >99% over three generations (42.6 years [Bird et al. 2020]), suspected to have been caused by diclofenac poisoning (Paudel et al. 2016). However, the same study found no evidence of declines in smaller, more remote locations. In the Himalayas of India, there has been a perceived decline in recent years (P. Trivedi in litt. 2013). It was once commonly seen in the western and central Himalayas, but in recent years it has not been observed as frequently in the central lower Himalaya, perhaps owing to disturbance (R. Naoroji in litt. 2011), and there has been an apparent decline in Uttarakhand since the late 1990s (M. Sharma in litt. 2014). Populations in Ladakh and along the high Himalayas are regarded as likely to be secure (R. Naoroji in litt. 2011). The frequency of reports of Bearded Vulture sightings in India on eBird declined by c.60% during 2000-2018, indicating a population decline in this area (SoIB 2020). The population appears to be stable in south-eastern Kazakhstan (S. Sklyarenko in litt. 2011). In Yemen, the species appears to have declined since the early 1980s (R. Porter in litt. 2013). The species's range and population in Turkey also appear to have declined in recent years (K. A. Boyla in litt. 2014, BirdLife International 2015). In Armenia, the population has been stable since the 1990s (M. Ghasabyan in litt. 2011). In the isolated population in southern Africa, the species's breeding range has declined by about 27% since the early 1980s, with the number of breeding territories declining by 32-51% between 1960-1999 and 2000-2012 (Krüger et al. 2014, S. Krüger in litt. 2012) due to increased mortality (Kruger et al. 2015) and reduced breeding productivity (Kruger & Amar 2017). Overall, it is suspected that the population has declined by 20-29% over the past three generations.

Country/territory distribution
Country/Territory Presence Origin Resident Breeding visitor Non-breeding visitor Passage migrant
Afghanistan extant native yes yes
Albania extinct native yes
Algeria possibly extant native yes
Andorra extant native yes
Armenia extant native yes
Austria extant reintroduced yes
Azerbaijan extant native yes
Bhutan extant native yes
Bosnia and Herzegovina extinct native yes
Bulgaria extinct native yes
China (mainland) extant native yes
Croatia extant vagrant yes
Cyprus extant vagrant yes
Czechia extant vagrant yes
Djibouti possibly extant native yes
Egypt extant native yes
Eritrea extant native yes
Ethiopia extant native yes
France extant native yes
Georgia extant native yes
Germany extant vagrant yes
Greece extant native yes
India extant native yes
Iran, Islamic Republic of extant native yes
Iraq extant native yes
Israel extant vagrant yes
Italy extant reintroduced yes
Jordan extant vagrant
Kazakhstan extant native yes
Kenya extant native yes
Kyrgyzstan extant native yes
Lebanon extant vagrant yes
Lesotho extant native yes
Liechtenstein extinct native yes
Mauritania extinct vagrant yes
Mongolia extant native yes
Montenegro extinct native yes
Morocco extant native yes
Mozambique extant vagrant yes
Namibia extant vagrant yes
Nepal extant native yes
North Korea extant vagrant yes
North Macedonia extinct native yes
Pakistan extant native yes yes
Palestine extinct vagrant yes
Portugal extant vagrant yes
Romania extant vagrant yes
Russia extant native yes
Russia (Central Asian) extant native yes
Russia (European) extant native yes
Saudi Arabia possibly extinct native yes
Serbia extinct native yes
Somalia extant vagrant yes
South Africa extant native yes
Spain extant native yes
Sudan extant native yes
Switzerland extant reintroduced yes
Syria extinct native yes
Tajikistan extant native yes
Tanzania extant native yes
Türkiye extant native yes
Turkmenistan extant native yes yes
Uganda extant native yes
Uzbekistan extant native yes
Yemen extant native yes
Zimbabwe extant vagrant yes

Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA)
Country/Territory IBA Name
Armenia Khosrov Reserve
Armenia Meghri
Armenia Zangezoor
France Cirque de Gavarnie
France Forêts domaniales de Corse
France Haut Giffre
France Massif du Canigou-Carança
France Parc National de la Vanoise
France Parc National du Mercantour
France Puig Carlit et environs
France Vallée d'Asco
France Vallée de la Restonica
France Vallée de Melles, cols d'Aoueran et d'Artisagou et Mont Vallier
France Vallée du Verghello
France Vallées du Lis et de la Pique
France Zones rupestres du Tarasconnais et massif d'Aston
Georgia Iori Region
Greece Lefka Ori mountains, Crete
Greece Mount Asterousia (Kofinas), Crete
Greece Mount Dikti, Crete
Greece Mount Gkiona
Greece Mount Idi, Crete
Greece Mount Kedros and Kourtaliotiko gorge, Crete
Greece Mount Koutroulis, Mount Agios Dikaios and Modia plateau, Crete
Greece Mount Kryoneritis, Crete
Greece Mount Olympos
Greece Mount Parnassos
Greece Mount Vardousia
Greece Thrypti and Orno mountains, Crete
Iran, Islamic Republic of Alborz-e Markazi Protected Area
Iran, Islamic Republic of Arasbaran Protected Area
Iran, Islamic Republic of Golestan
Iran, Islamic Republic of Kavir region
Iran, Islamic Republic of Lar River Protected Area
Israel Judean desert
Jordan Dana
Jordan Hisma Basin - Rum
Jordan Wadi Mujib
Russia (European) Alaniya National Park
Russia (European) Bazarduyzi and Shalbuzdag alpine mountains
Russia (European) Kabardino-Balkarski Nature Reserve
Russia (European) Kebyaktepe ridge
Russia (European) Kosobo-Kelebski reserve
Russia (European) Marinskaya cuesta of Skalisti ridge
Russia (European) Priel'brus'ye National Park
Russia (European) Ravine of Gundelen-Tyzyl river
Russia (European) Targimskaya intermountain
Russia (European) Teberdinski Nature Reserve
Russia (European) Tlyaratinski reserve
Saudi Arabia Jabal al-Lawz
Saudi Arabia Shallal ad-Dahna
Saudi Arabia Taif escarpment
Spain Alt Pallars
Spain Areta, Archuba and Zariquieta mountain ranges
Spain Belagua-Ansó-Hecho
Spain Boumort mountains
Spain Cadí mountains
Spain Dos Ríos and Orba mountain ranges
Spain Gistaín-Cotiella
Spain Guara mountain range
Spain Izaga crag
Spain Leyre, Illón and San Miguel mountain ranges
Spain Montsech and Montgai mountains
Spain Ordesa-Bielsa
Spain Oturia-Canciás
Spain Panticosa-Vignemale-Tendeñera
Spain Posets-Maladeta
Spain Roncesvalles-Irati-Abodi mountain range
Spain San Juan de la Peña-Oroel crag
Spain San Mauricio-Bohí-Beret
Spain Sant Gervás mountains
Spain Santo Domingo-Riglos-Gratal
Spain Turbón-Espés-Sis
Türkiye Ağrı Mount
Türkiye Aladağlar
Türkiye Bey Mountains
Türkiye Bolkar Mountains
Türkiye Buzul and İkiyaka Mountains
Türkiye Eastern Black Sea Mountains
Türkiye İlgaz Mountains
Türkiye Munzur Mountains
Türkiye Şemdinli Valley
Türkiye Sündiken Mountains
Türkiye Tanin Tanin Mountains
Türkiye Yalnızçam Mountains
Türkiye Zap Suyu Valley
Yemen Haraz mountains
Yemen Jabal al-Nabi Shu'ayb
Yemen Jabal Sumarah
Yemen Kawkaban - Shibam
Yemen Mahwit
Yemen Wadi al-Birayn

Habitats & altitude
Habitat (level 1) Habitat (level 2) Importance Occurrence
Artificial/Terrestrial Pastureland suitable resident
Artificial/Terrestrial Urban Areas suitable resident
Grassland Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude suitable resident
Grassland Temperate suitable resident
Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks) major breeding
Shrubland Mediterranean-type Shrubby Vegetation suitable resident
Altitude 1000 - 7500 m Occasional altitudinal limits (min) 600 m

Threats & impact
Threat (level 1) Threat (level 2) Impact and Stresses
Agriculture & aquaculture Livestock farming & ranching - Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Negligible declines Low Impact: 4
Indirect ecosystem effects, Ecosystem degradation
Biological resource use Hunting & trapping terrestrial animals - Intentional use (species is the target) Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Slow, Significant Declines Low Impact: 5
Species mortality
Biological resource use Hunting & trapping terrestrial animals - Persecution/control Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Negligible declines Low Impact: 4
Reduced reproductive success, Species mortality
Biological resource use Hunting & trapping terrestrial animals - Unintentional effects (species is not the target) Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Slow, Significant Declines Low Impact: 5
Species mortality
Climate change & severe weather Habitat shifting & alteration Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Majority (50-90%) Unknown Unknown
Ecosystem degradation
Energy production & mining Renewable energy Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Unknown Unknown
Species mortality
Human intrusions & disturbance Recreational activities Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Negligible declines Low Impact: 4
Species disturbance, Reduced reproductive success
Invasive and other problematic species, genes & diseases Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases - Canis familiaris Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Unknown Unknown
Other options Other threat Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Unknown Unknown
Species mortality
Pollution Agricultural & forestry effluents - Herbicides and pesticides Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Negligible declines Low Impact: 4
Species mortality
Residential & commercial development Housing & urban areas Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Slow, Significant Declines Low Impact: 5
Ecosystem degradation, Ecosystem conversion, Reduced reproductive success
Transportation & service corridors Roads & railroads Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Slow, Significant Declines Low Impact: 5
Species disturbance, Ecosystem degradation
Transportation & service corridors Utility & service lines Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Majority (50-90%) Slow, Significant Declines Medium Impact: 6
Species mortality

Purpose Scale
Food - human subsistence
Medicine - human & veterinary subsistence
Pets/display animals, horticulture international
Sport hunting/specimen collecting subsistence, national

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Species factsheet: Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus. Downloaded from https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/factsheet/bearded-vulture-gypaetus-barbatus on 22/11/2024.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2024) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/search on 22/11/2024.