Partridge Pigeon Geophaps smithii


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Johnstone, R.E. 1981. Notes on the distribution, ecology and taxonomy of the Partridge Pigeon (Geophaps smithii) and Spinifex Pigeon (Geophaps plumifera) in Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 9: 49-63.

Leahy, L., Legge, S.M., Tuft, K., McGregor, H., Barmuta, L., Jones, M.E. and Johnson, C.N. 2015. Amplified predation after fire suppresses rodent populations in Australia’s tropical savannas. Wildlife Research 42: 705-716.

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Russell-Smith, J., Evans, J., Edwards, A.C., Simms, A. 2017. Assessing ecological performance thresholds in fire-prone Kakadu National Park, northern Australia. Ecosphere 8: e01856.

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Setterfield, S.A., Rossiter-Rachor, N.A., Douglas, M.M., Wainger, L., Petty, A.M., Barrow, P., Shepherd, I.J. and Ferdinands, K.B. 2013. Adding fuel to the fire: The impacts of non-native grass invasion on fire management at a regional scale. PLoS ONE 8: e59144.

Swann, G., Davis, R., Bruton, M., Burbidge, A.H., Garnett, S.T. 2021. Western Partridge Pigeon Geophaps smithii blaauwi. In: Garnett, S.T., Baker, G.B. (ed.), The Action Plan for Australian Birds 2020, pp. 47-50. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia.

Woinarski, J., Pavey, C., Kerrigan, R., Cowie, I. and Ward, S. 2007. Lost from our landscape: threatened species of the Northern Territory. NT Department of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts, Darwin.

Woinarski, J.C.Z, Woolley, L.A., Garnett, S.T., Legge, S.M., Murphy, B.P., Lawes, M.J., Comer, S., Dickman, C.R., Doherty, T.S., Edwards, G., Nankivill, A. 2017. Compilation and traits of Australian bird species killed by cats. Biological Conservation 216: 1-9.

Woinarski, J.C.Z. 2004. National multi-species Recovery Plan for the Partridge Pigeon [eastern subspecies] Geophaps smithii smithii; crested shrike-tit [northern (sub)-species] Falcunculus (frontatus) whitei; masked owl [north Australian mainland subspecies] Tyto novaehollandae kimberli; and masked owl [Tiwi Islands subspecies] Tyto novaehollandiae melvillensis, 2004-2008. NT Department of Infrastructure Planning and Environment, Darwin, Australia.

Woinarski, J.C.Z., Fisher, A., Armstrong, M., Brennan, K., Griffiths, A.D., Hill, B., Choy, J.L., Milne, D., Stewart, A., Young, S., Ward, S., Winderlich, S. and Ziembicki, M. 2012. Monitoring indicates greater resilience for birds than for mammals in Kakadu National Park, northern Australia. Wildlife Research 39: 397-407.

Further resources

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Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Species factsheet: Partridge Pigeon Geophaps smithii. Downloaded from on 12/01/2025.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2025) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from on 12/01/2025.