Humboldt Penguin Spheniscus humboldti


Taxonomic source(s)
del Hoyo, J., Collar, N.J., Christie, D.A., Elliott, A. and Fishpool, L.D.C. 2014. HBW and BirdLife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World. Volume 1: Non-passerines. Lynx Edicions BirdLife International, Barcelona, Spain and Cambridge, UK.
SACC. 2005 and updates. A classification of the bird species of South America. Available at:

IUCN Red List criteria met and history
Red List criteria met
Critically Endangered Endangered Vulnerable
- - A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde

Red List history
Year Category Criteria
2020 Vulnerable A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde
2018 Vulnerable A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde
2016 Vulnerable A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde
2013 Vulnerable A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde;C1+2b
2012 Vulnerable A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde;C1+2b
2010 Vulnerable A2b,c,d,e; A3b,c,d,e; A4b,c,d,e; C1; C2b
2008 Vulnerable A2b,c,d,e; A3b,c,d,e; A4b,c,d,e; C1; C2b
2005 Vulnerable
2004 Vulnerable
2000 Vulnerable
1994 Lower Risk/Near Threatened
1988 Threatened
Species attributes

Migratory status full migrant Forest dependency does not normally occur in forest
Land-mass type continent
Average mass -

Estimate Data quality
Extent of Occurrence (breeding/resident) 2,710,000 km2 medium
Extent of Occurrence (non-breeding) 2,230,000 km2 medium
Number of locations 20 -
Severely fragmented? no -
Estimate Data quality Derivation Year of estimate
Population size 23800 mature individuals medium estimated 2020
Population trend decreasing medium inferred 1987-2024
Rate of change over the past 10 years/3 generations (longer of the two periods) 30-49% - - -
Rate of change over the future 10 years/3 generations (longer of the two periods) 30-49% - - -
Rate of change over the past & future 10 years/3 generations (longer of the two periods) 30-49% - - -
Generation length 12.5 years - - -
Number of subpopulations 2-100 - - -

Population justification: A census of the breeding population in Chile carried out in spring 2017, considering all known colonies, suggests that this country holds a population of 5,100 breeding pairs, equating to 10,200 mature individuals. A census of moulting birds, including mature and immature individuals, carried out in January 2017 in Peru, accounted for 13,600 individuals in this country (P. McGill pers. comm.). This roughly equates to a global population of 23,800 mature individuals, though this is considered a maximum value.

Trend justification: A current analysis of the population trend reveals high uncertainty in the quality of population numbers taken in the past three generations, with important deficiencies in the coverage of breeding sites and in the methodology employed to count penguins within and between Peru and Chile (Simeone and Cárdenas unpubl.). Most breeding colonies in Peru declined in numbers between 1980 and 2008 (Vianna et al. 2014). In contrast, some colonies in northern Chile showed a positive trend over the same time period; however, the significant population increase in the largest breeding colony at Chañaral Island was attributed to a considerable underestimation of penguin numbers in the past, and thus likely does not represent a real increase in numbers (Mattern et al. 2004, Vianna et al. 2014). Colonies in central Chile showed a stable or negative trend. As a consequence, interpreting the current trend of the global population is problematic and further research is needed. However, considering the lack of evidence for an overall stability or increase in numbers, the current population trend is precautionarily retained as declining.

Country/territory distribution
Country/Territory Presence Origin Resident Breeding visitor Non-breeding visitor Passage migrant
Chile extant native yes
Colombia extant vagrant yes
Ecuador extant vagrant yes
Peru extant native yes
USA extant vagrant yes

Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA)
Country/Territory IBA Name
Chile Acantilados de Arica
Chile Bahía de Coquimbo
Chile Guaneras de Camaraca
Chile Guaneras de Cutipa
Chile Guaneras sur de Camarones
Chile Isla Chañaral
Chile Isla Grande de Atacama
Chile Isla Pájaro Niño de Algarrobo
Chile Isla Tilgo
Chile Islote Pupuya
Chile Islotes Pajaros
Chile Monumento Natural Isla Cachagua
Chile Monumento Natural Pingüineras de Puñihuil
Chile Parque Nacional Hornopirén
Chile Parque Nacional Pan de Azúcar
Chile Parque Tumbes Talcahuano
Chile Patranca Island
Chile Punta Lengua de Vaca
Chile Reserva Nacional Pingüino de Humboldt - Isla Choros, Damas y Punta de Choros
Peru Isla Foca
Peru Isla Lobos de Afuera
Peru Isla Lobos de Tierra
Peru Isla Pachacámac
Peru Reserva Nacional de Paracas

Habitats & altitude
Habitat (level 1) Habitat (level 2) Importance Occurrence
Artificial/Aquatic & Marine Artificial/Marine - Marine Anthropogenic Structures marginal resident
Desert Cold major resident
Forest Temperate marginal breeding
Marine Coastal/Supratidal Marine Coastal/supratidal - Coastal Caves/Karst marginal resident
Marine Coastal/Supratidal Sea Cliffs and Rocky Offshore Islands major resident
Marine Intertidal Rocky Shoreline suitable breeding
Marine Intertidal Sandy Shoreline and/or Beaches, Sand Bars, Spits, Etc marginal non-breeding
Marine Intertidal Shingle and/or Pebble Shoreline and/or Beaches major non-breeding
Marine Intertidal Tidepools marginal non-breeding
Marine Neritic Estuaries marginal non-breeding
Marine Neritic Pelagic major non-breeding
Marine Neritic Pelagic major non-breeding
Marine Oceanic Epipelagic (0-200m) major non-breeding
Altitude 0 - 80 m Occasional altitudinal limits  

Threats & impact
Threat (level 1) Threat (level 2) Impact and Stresses
Biological resource use Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources - Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest] Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Majority (50-90%) Negligible declines Low Impact: 5
Indirect ecosystem effects, Species mortality
Biological resource use Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources - Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest] Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Majority (50-90%) Slow, Significant Declines Medium Impact: 6
Indirect ecosystem effects, Species mortality
Biological resource use Hunting & trapping terrestrial animals - Intentional use (species is the target) Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Slow, Significant Declines Low Impact: 5
Species mortality
Climate change & severe weather Habitat shifting & alteration Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Majority (50-90%) Slow, Significant Declines Medium Impact: 6
Indirect ecosystem effects, Ecosystem degradation, Reduced reproductive success
Climate change & severe weather Storms & flooding Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Causing/Could cause fluctuations Low Impact: 5
Reduced reproductive success, Species mortality
Energy production & mining Mining & quarrying Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Slow, Significant Declines Low Impact: 5
Species disturbance, Ecosystem degradation, Ecosystem conversion
Human intrusions & disturbance Recreational activities Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Slow, Significant Declines Low Impact: 5
Species disturbance
Invasive and other problematic species, genes & diseases Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases - Felis catus Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Slow, Significant Declines Low Impact: 5
Species mortality
Invasive and other problematic species, genes & diseases Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases - Rattus rattus Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Slow, Significant Declines Low Impact: 5
Reduced reproductive success
Invasive and other problematic species, genes & diseases Problematic native species/diseases - Lycalopex culpaeus Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Slow, Significant Declines Low Impact: 5
Species mortality
Pollution Industrial & military effluents - Oil spills Timing Scope Severity Impact
Ongoing Minority (<50%) Slow, Significant Declines Low Impact: 5
Ecosystem degradation, Reduced reproductive success, Species mortality

Purpose Scale
Food - human subsistence, national
Fuels subsistence, national
Handicrafts, jewellery, etc. subsistence, national
Pets/display animals, horticulture national

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Species factsheet: Humboldt Penguin Spheniscus humboldti. Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2024) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.