Family: Psittacidae (Parrots)
Authority: Bonaparte, 1850
Red List Category
Criteria: B1ab(iii,v)
here for more information about the Red List categories and criteria
Justification of Red List categoryBlack-winged Lory has a small range and is undergoing a continuing decline in the number of mature individuals but the population size is suspected to exceed the thresholds for listing as threatened. The species has been heavily targeted for the illegal bird trade on Biak, but remains commoner elsewhere in the small range. Rapid rates of reduction in abundance on Biak reported between 1982 and 1997 appeared to have slowed in the 2000s (after importation to the EU was banned and controls on exports tightened) and encounter rates appear similar for visits over the past decade. However, high rates of trapping have been noted on Biak again recently, leading to the inference that there is an ongoing reduction in the number of mature individuals, potentially compounded by current (albeit relatively low) rates of forest cover loss. While trapping poses a threat that may apply across the population, the number of locations only approaches the threshold for listing as threatened. As such, it is assessed as Near Threatened.
Population size:
Population trend:
Extent of occurrence (breeding/resident):
10,800 km
Country endemic:
Land-mass type - oceanic island
Realm - Oceanian
IUCN System - Terrestrial