Tuzkan Lake

Site description (2006 baseline):

Site location and context
The IBA is located 35 kilometres west of the regional centre Dustlik in Djizakh region. It is a wastewater reservoir fed from the Kly and Akbulak collector channels and from Aydar lake. The general area is more than 600 sq. km. The shores of the northern and southwestern parts of the lake are steep; the east is more flat, and the western is prone to flooding in recent years. In the northeastern and southeastern parts of the lake the shoreline is indented. Here there are many narrow long shallow gulfs with riparian forests and reed. The lake freezes, but not annually. The whole of Tuzkan Lake is in need of protection. Strict protection (state reserve) for the southeast part has already been proposed by the GEF/UNDP "Creating of Nuratau-Kyzylkum biosphere natural sanctuary as a model of preservation biodiversity of Uzbekistan" project. A seasonal (wintering) natural sanctuary is suggested for the northwestern part which should include limitation of some kinds of activities eg fishing (contols and methods), hunting (species restrictions), reed management etc. Although only a few sites have been formally proposed under the A3 biome-restricted criteria (for biome CA04b Eurasian Desert and Semi-desert), many of the IBAs in the Kyzylkum Desert region support populations of biome-restricted species and, effectively, form a network of sites throughout the area.

Key biodiversity
Tuzkan lake is located on an historical migration route therefore when in the 20th century its water area increased there was a rapid colonisation by many fish-eating species and waterfowl. Gradually it also has developed as a place for wintering and a stop over for migrants. The waterbirds of the southeastern part of the lake were studied in 1979 by E.A. Muchina (1983) in the vicinity of Arnasay reservoir, and she recorded 60 species, 16 of them nesting. IBA research of the lake’s water areas in January 2003 and 2004 and of the lake and contiguous desert areas in July and November 2006 recorded 110 species. In summer during a survey of the coastal part of lake including the western, southern and eastern shores 73 species were recorded in one week. Tuzkan Lake is of international importance for wintering of waterbirds supporting between 26,000 and 61,000 birds of more than 50 species. Globally threatened species included on the IUCN Red List are Pelecanus crispus, Haliaeetus leucoryphus and Aegypius monachus (coastal areas). In summer Ferruginous Duck breeds in the bays, and small flocks of Limnodromus semipalmatus occur on migration.

Non-bird biodiversity: Typical desert mammals include gerbils, jerboas, Spermophilopsis leptodactylus, Vulpes vulpes karagan, Vulpes corsac, Felis libyca and Felis chaus, Meles meles and Sus scrofa. The number of Canis aureus is increasing. Myocastor coypus is increasing in both distribution and numbers. IUCN listed animals are Agrionemys horsfieldi and Varanus griseus. On the shores and islands there are thickets of desert plants (Haloxylon persicum, Populus ariana, P. proinosa, Alhagi psendalhagi, Ammodendron argentum, Astragalus amarus, Ferula caspica etc); scrub and grass vegetation; along the shoreline Phragmites communis and Typha angustifolia; in the water - Potomogeton lucens, P. pectinatus, Myriophyllum spicatum, Ceratophyllum demersum etc.

Habitat and land use
The reservoir has moderate salinity so does not freeze and has rich food resources. It has open water areas which provide safe roosting for waterfowl and thickets of reed. On adjoining areas there are irrigated agricultural fields and fields with winter crops and lucerne. In winter these provide good feeding conditions and areas safe from natural enemies. The land in the immediate proximity of the reservoir is used only as grazing and as drinking places for cattle.

Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
Tuzkan Lake, being a wastewater reservoir, is subject to a wide range of water uses. There is uncontrolled fishing, with associated problems such as the setting of nets in shallow water; the non-removal of unusable nets and extensive disturbance by people and boats. The lake is also used as a watering place for livestock.

Conservation responses/actions for key biodiversity
Historical research includes a visit in 1878 by V.F.Russo to the wet meadow area of the Syrdariya river near Chinaz. He described 205 species and subspecies of birds. In 1903 information on the birds in an area of Dzhizakh and Chinaz was collected by Loudon. In the southeast part of the Kyzylkum desert, bordering the Golodnaya steppe, N.A. Zarudniy carried out research and published data about bird migration. T.A. Pavlenko (1962) recorded 165 species on the Golodnaya steppe. In January 2000 within the framework of the RSGF Protection of Uzbekistan's Wetlands and their Waterfowl" project a winter aerial count of waterbirds was carried out. In 2003 and 2004 the WWF-Russia and Wetlands International "Development of strategy for protection of water-fowl and wetlands on Central - Asian flyway" project carried out international counts of wetland birds. In 2004 and 2005 within the framework of the «Ecological survey and monitoring of the Common Crane in wintering grounds in Southern Uzbekistan» project, supported by ICF, winter research was carried out searching for Grus grus wintering areas.

Protected areas
Arnasay State Natural Sanctuary - a specially created natural sanctuary for the protection of birds - was created after the liquidation of the Arnasay State Reserve. The reason for liquidation was the intensive development of fisheries. The Natural Sanctuary has less restrictions with only hunting prohibited. According to the plan of organization of the Nuratau-Kyizylkum Biosphere Natural Sanctuary a part of the lake (the delta of the Kly river and Akbulak collector channel) has been proposed as a reserved zone. Thus its importance as a place of concentration for waterfowl at different seasons of the year was taken into account.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Tuzkan Lake (Uzbekistan). Downloaded from on 22/01/2025.