Site description (2004 baseline):
AVIFAUNA: The Sanctuary has a spectacular congregation of waterfowl and waders. At least 15 waterbirds breed at Rangananthittu: Asian Openbill Anastomus oscitans, Painted Stork Mycteria leucocephala, Large Egret Ardea alba, Median Egret Egretta intermedia, Little Egret E. garzetta, White Ibis or Black-headed Ibis Threskiornis melanocephala, Large Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo, Indian Shag P. fuscicollis, Little Cormorant P. niger, Darter Anhinga melanogaster, Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax, Pond Heron Ardeola grayii, Purple Heron Ardea purpurea, Great Stone Plover Esacus magnirostris, and the Indian River Tern Sterna aurantia. Neginhal (1983) reported that about 200 pairs of Asian Openbill nest in Ranganathittu. He did not mention nesting by the Painted Stork. This stork was first seen in 1993, attempting to breed. By 2000, about 2,300 breeding pairs had taken over the colony (Thejaswi, undated), which is perhaps the largest nesting colony of Painted Stork in south India. Owing to its density and diversity of birds, this IBA has been listed as one of the top heronries in India by Subramanya (1996). Ranganathittu does not have records of many threatened species, except for some sightings of Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga in winter, and an occasional Oriental White-backed vulture Gyps bengalensis. The selection of this IBA is based on A4i criteria (A site known or thought to hold, on a regular basis, =1% of a biogeographic population of a congregatory waterbird species). Nesting of more than 2,300 pairs of Painted Stork is much above the 1% threshold (100) of this species determined by Wetlands International (2002). A total of 127 species have been identified from this IBA site, including 18 species listed in Biome-11 but none of them are presently of much conservation concern.
OTHER KEY FAUNA: The terrestrial and arboreal fauna of the Sanctuary includes Mongoose Herpestes edwardsi, Monitor Lizard Varanus bengalensis, Jungle Cat Felis chaus, Indian Flying Fox (Fruit Bats) Pteropus giganteus, Bonnet Macaque Macaca radiata and Palm Civets Paradoxurus hermaphroditus. About 13 species of fishes have been recorded at the site. A very healthy population of Marsh Crocodile Crocodylus palustris exists at the site. A sizeable numbers of Common Otter Lutra lutra can be seen at the site.
Pollution load of fertilizers and pesticides drained from the surrounding agricultural land is a major concern. Restricting the recreation and tourism in the nesting area of the Sanctuary would help to prevent degradation of the habitat as well as biodiversity. Tourism seems to be the major problem here. The growing population of crows and monkeys in the Ranganthittu Bird Sanctuary is becoming a menace for the other birds and the tourists that visit here. There are some reports that the crows and monkeys have been scaring away the birds and also destroying their eggs. They have to be controlled, and if necessary even eliminated. During monsoon each year, floods owing to release of excess water from Krishnaraja Sugar Reservoir located upstream and close to Mysore causes considerable havoc at the Sanctuary. In 1991, floods during July raised the water-level by about 5 m and washed away almost all the nest built at low level over water with the nesting population of Oriental White or Black-headed Ibis Threskiornis melanocephalus being severely affected (Subramanya et al. 1991). During these floods the tree covered islands do get damaged. In recent years, efforts are being made towards stabilisation and replantation on the islands. Nearly 2,00,000 tourists visit this Sanctuary every year (Neginhal 1993). The breeding birds are disturbed when tourists go very near to the birds, attracting crows to pillage eggs and chicks. In fact the crows follow the boats!
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Rangananthittu Bird Sanctuary (India). Downloaded from on 19/01/2025.