Rangananthittu Bird Sanctuary


Neginhal, S. G. (1983) The birds of Rangananthittu. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.79: 581-593.

Neginhal, S. G. (1993) Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary. In: Bird Conservation- Strategies for the Nineties and beyond. (Eds. A, Verghese, S. Sridhar and A. K. Chakravarthy). Ornithological Society of India, Bangalore. Pp 88-89.

Subramanya, S. (1996) Distribution, status and conservation of Indian heronries. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 93: 459-486.

Subramanya, S., Karthikeyan, S. and Prasad, J. N. (1991) Raanganathittu; Flood havoc and aftermath. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 31(9-10): 5-7.

Thejaswi, S. (undated) Ranganathittu- a bird paradise. Booklet. Mysore Amateur Naturalists, Mysore.

Wetlands International (2002) WaterbirdPopulation Estimates: Third Edition. Wetlands International Global Series No. 12. Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Further resources

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Rangananthittu Bird Sanctuary (India). Downloaded from on 25/01/2025.