Lord Howe Island Permanent Park Preserve (Lord Howe Island IBA)

Country/territory: Australia
Subnational region(s): New South Wales (and ACT)

IBA Justification: A1, A2, A4i, A4ii, A4iii (2009)

Area: 1,634 hectares (16.34 km2)

BirdLife Partner(s): BirdLife Australia

Conservation status of the Important Bird Area (IBA)
Year of assessment (most recent) State (condition) Pressure (threat) Response (action)
2019 very unfavourable high low

Site summary
The IBA supports the entire global population of the Lord Howe Woodhen (endangered), most of the breeding Providence Petrel (vulnerable), more than 1% of the world population of another five seabird species and the entire population of three endemic subspecies; other endemic species and subspecies are extinct.

The nomination was prepared by the BIGNET IBA Taskforce with assistance from David Priddel and Ian Hutton.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Lord Howe Island Permanent Park Preserve (Lord Howe Island IBA) (Australia). Downloaded from https://datazone.birdlife.org/site/factsheet/lord-howe-island-permanent-park-preserve-(lord-howe-island-iba)-iba-australia on 13/01/2025.