Laajalahti bay, Vanhankaupunginlahti bay and Viikki

Country/territory: Finland
Subnational region(s): Etelä-Suomen lääni

IBA Justification: B1i, B3, C3 (2000)

Area: 1,274 hectares (12.74 km2)

BirdLife Partner(s): BirdLife SUOMI-FINLAND

Conservation status of the Important Bird Area (IBA)
Year of assessment (most recent) State (condition) Pressure (threat) Response (action)
2010 very unfavourable high low

Site description (2000 baseline)
The site includes two shallow, sea bays, dominated by reed Phragmites, and a largish area of adjacent farmland, situated close to Helsinki. The farmland of Viikki is separated from Vanhankaupunginlahti by a narrow zone of young, wet, deciduous forest and by some older mixed forest.

Key biodiversity
An important breeding and staging area for wetland birds. The site also supports one of the largest national populations of a breeding bird new to Finland, Panurus biarmicus (65 pairs).

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Laajalahti bay, Vanhankaupunginlahti bay and Viikki (Finland). Downloaded from on 04/01/2025.