Anafi island This is an IBA in Danger! 

Site description (2012 baseline):

Site location and context
Located at the southernmost tip of the Cyclades, this site includes the marine area surrounding the islet Makra and the eastern part of islet Pacheia, south of Anafi island. The islets are characterized by rugged rocky coastline and phrygana vegetation, with vertical cliffs and multiple locations with fallen boulders and scree, ideal for nesting of seabird species. The waters between Anafi and its islets are relatively shallow, while to the south of these islets, the seabed falls abruptly to depths reaching up to 600 m. Strong westerly currents predominate in the area. The Mediterranean Monk Seals have been recorded in the area.

Key biodiversity
The site holds an important colony of Cory’s Shearwater, the largest one in the Cyclades and the fifth overall in Greece. The species finds here suitable nesting habitats with numerous crevices and soft substrate. Hundreds of birds can be seen during the summer months foraging and rafting particularly in the marine area between Anafi island and its neighbouring islets to the south as well as between Anafi and Santorini islands. Further surveys are required to delineate Cory’s Shearwater foraging areas around Anafi. 

The Mediterranean Shag is the other species of importance in the area. It breeds along the coast of Anafi island and on the islets to the south, forming small colonies or individual nests. The species feeds within surrounding coastal waters and numerous small shallow bays. The population is estimated at 20-30 breeding pairs. A small colony of Audouin’s Gulls (5-10 pairs) occasionally breeds on the uninhabited islets in the IBA. Individual birds are frequently seen feeding along the southern waters of Anafi. A small population of Yellow-legged Gulls breeds on the islets (75-100 pairs). Yelkouan Shearwaters also occasionally feed in the area.

Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
Rats preying on eggs and chicks pose the main threat for seabirds at their nesting sites. Predation and competition for food and nesting sites by Yellow-legged Gulls potentially affect the breeding performance of the Mediterranean Shag and Audouin’s Gull, while rabbits may also interfere with the breeding colony of Cory’s Shearwaters through the occupation of their nesting burrows. Seabird breeding habitats will be irreversibly damaged if plans to install a large wind farm (300MW) on the islets Pacheia and Makra are realized. Human presence, particularly on uninhabited islets causes disturbance at seabird colonies.
Human activities in the marine area around Anafi are limited, and refer primarily to recreational tourist activities and fisheries. Accidental trapping of shearwaters in longlines has been reported in the area however further surveys are required to evaluate the severity of this threat.

Protected areas
SPA GR4220023
Area_ha 9993.828289

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Anafi island (Greece). Downloaded from on 23/11/2024.