Current view: Reference and further resources
Beskokotov, Y.A. (1996) Cadastre of insects of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly. Proceedings of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly, issue 7. Almaty: 103-194. (in Russian).
Gavrilov, E.I., and Gistzov, A.P. (1985) Seasonal migrations of birds at foothills of Western Tien Shan Alma-Ata. (in Russian).
Gubin, B.M. (1976) Passage of birds in Talasskyi Alatau (Western Tien Shan). Migration of birds in Asia. Alma-Ata: 49-69. (in Russian).
Gubin, B.M. (1989) Additions to ornithofauna of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly. Ecological aspects of study, use and protection of birds in mountain ecosystems. Frunze: 23-25. (in Russian).
Gubin, B.M. (1989) About new and rare-breeding birds in Talasskyi Alatau (Western Tien Shan). Ecological aspects of study, use and protection of birds in mountain ecosystems. Frunze: 25-27. (in Russian).
Ivaschenko, A.A. (1996) About representation of flora and vegetation of Aksu-Dzhabagly for Western Tien Shan. Proceedings of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly, issue 7. Almaty: 50-61. (in Russian).
Ivaschenko, A.A. and Chalikova, E.S. (1991) About death of juniper forest in Chuuldak gorge due to chemical pollution. Pers. comm.
Kovshar, A.F. (1964) The birds of high-mountains of western part of Talasskyi Alatau (Tien Shan). Game birds of Kazakhstan. (Proceedings of Institute of Zoology, vol. 24). Alma-Ata: 121-141. (in Russian).
Kovshar, A.F. (1966) The birds of Talasskyi Alatau. Alma-Ata. (in Russian).
Kovshar, A.F. (1996) About anthropogenic influence on nature complexes of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly (by pages of Chronicle of Nature). Proceedings of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly, issue 7. Almaty: 32-49. (in Russian).
Kovshar, A.F. and Ivaschenko, A.A. (1982) Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly. Alma-Ata. (in Russian).
Kovshar, A.F. and Chalikova, E.S. (1992) Multi-years changing of fauna and population of birds of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly. Ornithological research in zapovedniks. Problems of protected areas. Moscow: 28-44. (in Russian).
Kovshar, A.F. and Yanushko, P.A. (1965) New data on mammals of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly. Proceedings of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly, issue 2. Alma-Ata: 203-236. (in Russian).
Kolbintzev, V.G. (1990) The role of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly in conservation of genetic foundation of rare vertebrate animals. Zapovedniks of USSR, their present and future. Novgorod. Part 3: 254-256. (in Russian).
Kolbintzev, V.G. (1995). New finding of Bar-tailed Tree-creeper in south Kazakhstan. Selevinia, 3: 44. (in Russian).
Kolbintzev, V.G. (1999) About fauna of birds of western part of Talasskyi Alatau (Southern Kazakhstan). Problems of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity of wildlife of Kazakhstan. Almaty: 73-74. (in Russian).
Red Data Book of Kazakhstan (1996). Ed.3. Vol.1. Animals. Eds. A.Kovshar. Almaty. (in Russian with English summaries).
Red Data Book of Kazakh SSR (1981). Part 2. Plants. Eds. B.Bykov. Alma-Ata. (in Russian).
Monitoring of biological diversity of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly (2002) Tethys Biodiversity Research. Vol. 1. Eds. A.Kovshar. Almaty: 1-183.
Nekhaenko, G.N. and Chalikova, E.S. (1996) Dynamics of territory and forest found in Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly. Proceedings of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly, issue 7. Almaty: 18-31. (in Russian).
Chalikova, E.S. (1989) About summer population of birds of juniper forests of Talasskyi Alatau. Ecological aspects of study, use and protection of birds in mountain ecosystems. Frunze: 103. (in Russian).
Chupakhin, V.M. (1964) Physical geography of Tien Shan. Alma-Ata. (in Russian).
Shevchenko, V.V. (1948) The birds of State Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly. Proceedings of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly, issue 1. Alma-Ata: 36-70. (in Russian).
Shulpin, L.M. (1948) Materials on mammals and reptiles of Talasskyi Alatau. Bulletin of AS of KazSSR, series zool., issue 7. (in Russian).
Shulpin, L.M. (1953) Materials on fauna of birds of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly (Talasskyi Alatau). Proceedings of Institute of Zoology of AS of KazSSR, vol.2: 53-79. (in Russian).
Shulpin, L.M. (1956) Materials on fauna of birds of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly (Talasskyi Alatau). Proceedings of Institute of Zoology of AS of KazSSR, vol.6: 158-193. (in Russian).
Shulpin, L.M. (1961) Materials on fauna of birds of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly (Talasskyi Alatau). Proceedings of Institute of Zoology of AS of KazSSR, vol. 15: 147-160. (in Russian).
Shulpin, L.M. (1965) Materials on fauna of birds of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly (Talasskyi Alatau). Proceedings of Zapovednik Aksu-Dzhabagly, issue 2: 160-200. (in Russian).
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BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Aksu-Dzhabagly State Nature Reserve (Kazakhstan). Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.