White-tipped Quetzal Pharomachrus fulgidus


Taxonomic source(s)
del Hoyo, J., Collar, N.J., Christie, D.A., Elliott, A. and Fishpool, L.D.C. 2014. HBW and BirdLife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World. Volume 1: Non-passerines. Lynx Edicions BirdLife International, Barcelona, Spain and Cambridge, UK.
SACC. 2005 and updates. A classification of the bird species of South America. Available at:

IUCN Red List criteria met and history
Red List criteria met
Critically Endangered Endangered Vulnerable
- - -

Red List history
Year Category Criteria
2022 Least Concern
2016 Least Concern
2012 Least Concern
2009 Least Concern
2008 Least Concern
2004 Least Concern
2000 Lower Risk/Least Concern
1994 Lower Risk/Least Concern
1988 Lower Risk/Least Concern
Species attributes

Migratory status not a migrant Forest dependency high
Land-mass type Average mass -

Estimate Data quality
Extent of Occurrence (breeding/resident) 133,000 km2 medium
Area of Occupancy (breeding/resident) 20,500 km2
Severely fragmented? no -
Estimate Data quality Derivation Year of estimate
Population size unknown - - -
Population trend decreasing - suspected 2016-2032
Rate of change over the past 10 years/3 generations (longer of the two periods) 1-9% - - -
Rate of change over the future 10 years/3 generations (longer of the two periods) 10-19% - - -
Rate of change over the past & future 10 years/3 generations (longer of the two periods) 10-19% - - -
Generation length 5.27 years - - -
Number of subpopulations 5-100 - - -
Percentage of mature individuals in largest subpopulation 1-89% - - -

Population justification: The global population size has not been quantified, but this species is described as fairly common (Graham 2020).

Trend justification: Due to its being restricted to humid forests, the species is threatened by the loss and degradation of forested habitat within the range. Over the past three generations (15.8 years), 3% of tree cover has been lost within the range (Global Forest Watch 2021, using Hansen et al. [2013] data and methods disclosed therein). Even when accounting for additional impacts of forest degradation, population declines were unlikely exceeding 10% over this period. Since 2016, deforestation has been accelerating to a rate equivalent to 8% over three generations (Global Forest Watch 2021, using Hansen et al. [2013] data and methods disclosed therein), and population declines may likewise be accelerating to 10-19% over three generations.

Country/territory distribution
Country/Territory Presence Origin Resident Breeding visitor Non-breeding visitor Passage migrant
Colombia extant native yes
Guyana possibly extant native yes
Venezuela extant native yes

Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA)
Country/Territory IBA Name
Colombia Cuchilla de San Lorenzo
Colombia Eco-parque Los Besotes
Colombia Valle de San Salvador
Colombia Valle del Río Frío
Venezuela Henri Pittier National Park (Parque Nacional Henri Pittier IBA)
Venezuela Monumento Natural Pico Codazzi
Venezuela Palmichal
Venezuela Parque Nacional El Ávila and surrounding areas
Venezuela Parque Nacional El Guácharo
Venezuela Parque Nacional Macarao
Venezuela Parque Nacional San Esteban
Venezuela Parque Nacional Tirgua (General Manuel Manrique)
Venezuela Parque Nacional Yurubí
Venezuela Peninsula de Paria National Park (Parque Nacional Península de Paria IBA)
Venezuela Zona Protectora Macizo Montañoso del Turimiquire

Habitats & altitude
Habitat (level 1) Habitat (level 2) Importance Occurrence
Artificial/Terrestrial Plantations suitable resident
Artificial/Terrestrial Subtropical/Tropical Heavily Degraded Former Forest suitable resident
Forest Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane major resident
Altitude 900 - 2500 m Occasional altitudinal limits (min) 700 m

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Species factsheet: White-tipped Quetzal Pharomachrus fulgidus. Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2024) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.