Red-collared Woodpecker Picus rabieri


Justification of Red List category
Although this species appears to be tolerant of some levels of habitat disturbance, it is likely to be declining moderately rapidly owing to widespread wholesale deforestation within its range. It is therefore considered Near Threatened.

Population justification
The population size of this species has not been quantified, but it is described as scarce to uncommon.

Trend justification
A moderately rapid and on-going population decline is suspected to be occurring as a result of habitat loss throughout the species's range.

Distribution and population

Picus rabieri is known from China (one historical record from extreme south Yunnan), Laos (widespread and locally fairly common), Vietnam (uncommon in west and east Tonkin and north and central Annam) and Cambodia (rare and highly restricted in the north-east) (BirdLife International 2001, Robson 2008, Goes 2013).


This species occurs in evergreen and semi-evergreen forest and locally in tall mixed deciduous forest, usually below 700 m, ascending locally to c.1,000 m. It tolerates, and in some regions even appears to prefer, logged and disturbed forest, provided that some large trees remain.


This species is susceptible to the destruction and degradation of lowland forest that is on-going within its range (J. Eaton in litt. 2016).

Conservation actions

Conservation Actions Underway
No targeted conservation actions are known for this species, although it occurs in a number of protected areas.

Conservation Actions Proposed

Conduct repeated surveys across the species's range to determine the magnitude of declines and rates of range contraction. Effectively protect significant areas of suitable forest at key sites, in both strictly protected areas and community-led multiple use areas.


Text account compilers
Taylor, J., Benstead, P., Westrip, J., Martin, R, Gilroy, J.

Hung, L., Eaton, J., Mahood, S.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Species factsheet: Red-collared Woodpecker Picus rabieri. Downloaded from https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/factsheet/red-collared-woodpecker-picus-rabieri on 28/11/2024.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2024) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/search on 28/11/2024.