Justification of Red List category
This species occupies a small range and may have a small population that falls into one subpopulation, with declines in population and habitat quality driven by a number of human activities such as agriculture, development and hunting. As such, the species is assessed as Near Threatened.
Population justification
The population size has not been quantified. The species is described to be uncommon and the population is considered to be "small" (Züchner and Boesman 2020). Based on this evidence and the spatial spread of recent observations within its range (eBird 2022), the population is tentatively suspected to fall into the band of 1,000-2,499 mature individuals. Further research on an accurate population size estimate and subpopulation structure is however urgently required.
Trend justification
Remote sensing data shows that tree cover loss within the species' range equates to <1% over 10 years (Global Forest Watch 2022, using Hansen et al. [2013] data and methods disclosed therein). The species also prefers secondary growth forests and forest edges, which will reduce any vulnerability to habitat alteration. However, the species may be impacted by surrounding habitat degradation as a result of human activities such as burning, agriculture, ranching, mining, and development (SERFOR 2018). Previous research has also shown that parts of the species may be found in local markets (due to believed aphrodisiac abilities), whilst it may also be readily hunted (Garrigues 2000). As such, the overall population is tentatively suspected of declining at a slow rate, placed here in the band of 1-9% over 10 years.
Loddigesia mirabilis is uncommon and restricted to the eastern slopes of the río Utcubamba valley (an affluent on the right bank of the río Marañón) in the Cordillera del Colán, Amazonas, and one locality further east in San Martín, north Peru (M. Pearman in litt. 1995). On the slopes above the río Utcubamba, it is known from three areas (north and south-east of Leimebamba, the Chachapoyas area and Florida, on the shore of Lago Pomacochas). However, a male recorded near Jesús del Monte, San Martín, in 1987 (M. Pearman in litt. 1995) indicates that there is much to learn about the species's distribution, and there are recent reports of the species from near Tingo, Utcubamba and the Leimebamba area (Mark et al. 2008). In the 1960s, it was reported to have occurred at c.15 localities west of the río Utcubamba in Luya province, but there is no supporting evidence. It appears to occur at low densities and numbers seem to have dwindled around Florida.
It occurs in forest edge, second growth, montane scrub and, in particular, thorny, impenetrable Rubus thickets admixed with Alnus trees, at 2,100-2,900 m (occasionally 1,700-3,700 m) (Clements and Shany 2001). Its preferred food-plant is the red-flowered lily Alstroemeria (Bomarea) formosissima, but it has been observed feeding on at least five species of flowering plant (R. Webster and R. A. Rowlett in litt. 1998). The breeding season is thought to run from late October to early May. Adult males (which are greatly outnumbered by females and immature males) gather at leks where they display to attract females.
Deforestation was previously considered to be widespread on the mountain slopes of the Cordillera del Colán, with much habitat cleared since 1978, and remaining forest under threat of conversion to cash-crops such as marijuana and coffee (Barnes et al. 1995). However, the species's apparent preference for forest edge and isolated woodlots on steep slopes may reduce its vulnerability to habitat alteration. Recent deforestation analyses also shows that tree cover loss within the species range has been negligible, equating to <1% loss over 10 years (Global Forest Watch 2022, using Hansen et al. [2013] data and methods disclosed therein). Albeit, mining, continued agriculture (slash-and-burn), grazing, and ranching practices, as well as human encroachment and development may be degrading habitat further (SERFOR 2018, Züchner and Boesman 2020). Interviews with Florida's inhabitants and enquiries in a nearby market town have also previously revealed that dried hearts of the males of this species are believed to have aphrodisiac properties (Garrigues 2000). Hunting with slingshots for this reason may even explain the skewed sexual ratio (Garrigues 2000).
Conservation Actions Underway
CITES Appendix II. It occurs in some protected areas across its range (SERFOR 2018). Several organisations are working in partnership to conduct an education programme, survey additional sites and raise funds for land acquisition in the La Florida region (H. Lloyd in litt. 2007). A reforestation campaign exists to use native plants to restore habitat in the areas of Shipasbamba, Pomacochas and La Unión (SERFOR 2018).
10-15 cm. Medium-sized hummingbird with amazing tail. Male has blue crest-like cap. Blue gorget and black line down centre of breast and belly. Rest of underparts white with green sides of breast and belly. Above mostly bronzy-brown. Lateral tail feathers very long, bare and ending in large, dark rackets. Two central feathers long and narrow. Tail varies with age. Female has white throat and lacks black on underparts. Tail much shorter, still shows drop-shaped rackets. Similar spp. Booted Racket-tail Ocreatus underwoodii is much greener with rounded head. Voice Peculiar humming and loud flapping noises of the modified flight feathers.
Text account compilers
Fernando, E.
Benstead, P., Capper, D., Isherwood, I., Lloyd, H., Pearman, M., Rowlett, R.A., Sharpe, C.J., Stuart, T., Symes, A. & Webster, R.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Species factsheet: Marvelous Spatuletail Loddigesia mirabilis. Downloaded from
https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/factsheet/marvelous-spatuletail-loddigesia-mirabilis on 05/01/2025.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2025) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from
https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/search on 05/01/2025.