Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus


Barbaree, B.A., S.K. Nelson, B.D. Dugger, D.D. Roby, H.R. Carter, D.L. Whitworth, Newman, S.H. 2014. Nesting ecology of Marbled Murrelets at a remote mainland fjord in Southeast Alaska. Condor 116: 173-184.

Becker, B.H.; Beissinger, S. R. 2006. Centennial decline in the trophic level of an endangered seabird after fisheries decline. Conservation Biology 20: 470-479.

Bertram, D. F., Burger, A. E., Lindsay, D., Cober, A., Harfenist, A. 2007. Marbled murrelet population estimation and trend monitoring in BC. Pacific Seabird Group 34th Annual Meeting, Asilomar, CA.

Bertram, D. F., Drever, M. C., McAllister, M. K., Schroeder, B. K., Lindsay, D. J., Faust, D. A. 2015. Estimation of Coast-Wide Population Trends of Marbled Murrelets in Canada Using a Bayesian Hierarchical Model. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0134891.

Bertram, D. F., Drever, M. C., McAllister, M. K., Schroeder, B. K., Lindsay, D. J., Faust, D. A. 2015. Estimation of Coast-Wide Population Trends of Marbled Murrelets in Canada Using a Bayesian Hierarchical Model. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0134891.

Bertram, D. F.; MacDonald, C. A.; O'Hara, P. D.; Cragg, J. L.; Janssen, M. H.; McAdie, M.; Boyd, W. S. 2016. Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus movements and marine habitat use near proposed tanker routes to Kitimat, BC, Canada. Marine Ornithology 44: 3-9.

Bigger, D.; Chinnici, S. 2008. Population trends of breeding Marbled Murrelets in northern California. Abstracts, 35th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Blaine, Washington, 27 Feb - 2 Mar 2008, pp. 47. Pacific Seabird Group, Little River, CA, USA.

Bird, J.P., Martin, R., Akçakaya, H.R., Gilroy, J., Burfield, I.J., Garnett, S.G., Symes, A., Taylor, J., Şekercioğlu, Ç.H. and Butchart, S.H.M. 2020. Generation lengths of the world’s birds and their implications for extinction risk. Conservation Biology 34(5): 1252-1261.

Burger A. E., I. A. Manley, M. Silvergieter, D. B. Lank, K. M. Jordan, T. D. Bloxton and M. G. Raphael. 2009. Re-use of nest sites by Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in British Columbia. Northwestern Naturalist 90: 217-226.

Burger, A. E. 2001. Using radar to estimate populations and assess habitat associations of Marbled Murrelets. Journal of Wildlife Management 65: 696-715.

Burger, A. E. 2002. Conservation assessment of Marbled Murrelets in British Columbia: review of the biology, populations, habitat associations, and conservation. Technical Report Series No. 387. Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific and Yukon Region, Delta, B.C.

Burger, A. E. and Waterhouse, F. L. 2009. Relationships between habitat area, habitat quality, and populations of nesting Marbled Murrelets. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 10(1): 101–112.

Burger, A.E.; Chatwin, T. A.; Cullen, S. A.; Holmes, N. P.; Manley, I. A.; Mather, M.H.; Schroeder, B. K.; Steventon, J.D.; Duncan, J.E.; Arcese, P.; Selak, E. 2004. Application of radar surveys in the management of nesting habitat of Marbled Murrelets Brachyramphus marmoratus. Marine Ornithology 32: 1-11.

Carter, H. R. 1986. Year-round use of coastal lakes by Marbled Murrelets. Condor 88: 473-477.

Carter, H. R.; Kuletz, K. J. 1995. Mortality of marbled murrelets due to oil pollution in North America. In: Ralph, C.J.; Hunt, G.L.; Raphael, M.G.; Piatt, J.F. (ed.), Ecology and conservation of the marbled murrelet. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-152, pp. 261-269. Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany.

CMMRT (Canadian Marbled Murrelet Recovery Team). 2003. Marbled Murrelet Conservation Assessment 2003, Part B – Marbled Murrelet Recovery Team advisory document on conservation and management. Canadian Wildlife Service, Delta, BC.

COSEWIC. 2012. COSEWIC assessment and status report on the Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife In Canada, Ottawa, ON. xii + 82 pp.

DellaSala, D. A.; Brandt, P.; Koopman, M.; Leonard, J.; Meisch, C.; Herzog, P.; Alaback, P.; Goldstein, M. I.; Jovan, S.; MacKinnon, A. von Wehrden, H. 2015. Climate change may trigger broad shifts in North America's Pacific Coastal rainforests. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences..

Escene, D. P. 2007. Marbled Murrelet Technical Committee. Pacific Seabirds 34(1): 32-33.

Falxa, G. A.; Raphael, M. G. 2016. Northwest Forest Plan-The first 20 years (1994-2013): Status and trend of Marbled Murrelet populations and nesting habitat. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, General Technical Report PNW-GTR- 933, Portland, OR. 132pp..

Falxa, G., J. Baldwin, M. Lance, D. Lynch, S.K. Nelson, S.F. Pearson, M.G. Raphael, A. Shirk, C. Strong, Young, R. 2014. Marbled Murrelet effectiveness monitoring, Northwest Forest Plan: 2014 summary report. Northwest Forest Plan Interagency Regional Monitoring Program.

Falxa, G.A., J. Baldwin, D. Lynch, S.K. Nelson, S.L. Miller, S.F. Pearson, M.G. Raphael, C. Strong, T. Bloxton, B. Galleher, B. Hogoboom, M. Lance, and R. Young. In prep. DRAFT Marbled murrelet effectiveness monitoring, Northwest Forest Plan: 2008 summary report.

Gaston, A.J.; Jones, I.L. 1998. The Auks. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Hamer, T. E.; Nelson, S. K. 1995. Characteristics of Marbled Murrelet nest trees and nesting stands. In: Ralph, C.J. (ed.), Ecology and conservation of the Marbled Murrelet, pp. 69-82. US Forest Service, Albany, California.

Hamer, T. E.; Nelson, S. K. 1995. Nesting biology and behaviour of the Marbled Murrelet. In: Ralph, C.J. (ed.), Ecology and conservation of the Marbled Murrelet, pp. 49-56. US Forest Service, Albany, California.

Hébert, P. N.; Golightly, R. T. 2008. At-sea distribution and movements of nesting and non-nesting Marbled Murrelets Brachyramphus marmoratus in northern California. Marine Ornithology 36(2): 99-105.

Horton, S. P. 2008. Landscape-level associations of Marbled Murrelet inland activity in old-growth forests within a commercial forest landscape. Abstracts, 35th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Blaine, Washington, 27 Feb - 2 Mar 2008, pp. 78. Pacific Seabird Group, Little River, CA, USA.

Hunt, G. L. 1995. Oceanographic processes and marine productivity in waters offshore of Marbled Murrelet breeding habitat. In: Ralph, C.J. (ed.), Ecology and conservation of the Marbled Murelet, pp. 219-222. U.S. Forest Service, Albany, California.

IUCN. 2020. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2020-3. Available at: https://www.iucnredlist.org. (Accessed: 10 December 2020).

Lorenz, T. J.; Raphael, M. G. 2018. Declining Marbled Murrelet density, but not productivity, in the San Juan Islands, Washington, USA. The Condor 120(2018): 201-222.

Lorenz, T. J.; Raphael, M. G.; Bloxton Jr, T. D. 2016. Marine habitat selection by marbled murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) during the breeding season. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0162670.

Mack, D. E.; Ritchie, W. P.; Nelson, S. K.; Kuo-Harrison, E.; Harrison, P.; Hamer, T. E. 2003. Methods for surveying Marbled Murrelets in forests: a revised protocol for land management and research. Pacific Seabird Group.

Malt, J. M. and D. B. Lank. 2009. Marbled Murrelet nest predation risk in managed forest landscapes: dynamic fragmentation effects at multiple scales. Ecological Applications 19(5): 1274–1287.

Manley, I. 2006. Inventory methods for Marbled Murrelet radar surveys. Standards for components of British Columbia's biodiversity No. 10a. Resources Information Standards Committee, Ministry of Environment Ecosystems Branch, Victoria, BC.

McShane, C., T. Hamer, H. Carter, G. Swartzman, V. Friesen, D. Ainley, R. Tressler, K. Nelson, A. Burger, L. Spear, T. Monagen, R. Martin, L. Henkel, K. Prindle, C. Strong, and J. Keany. 2004. Evaluation report for the 5-year status review of the Marbled Murrelet in Washington, Oregon, and California. Unpublished report. prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1. Portland Oregon. EDAW, Inc, Seattle, WA.

Miller, S.L., Raphael, M.G., Falxa, G.A., Strong, C., Baldwin, J., Bloxton, T., Galleher, B.M., Lance, M., Lynch, D., Pearson, S.F., Ralph, C.J. and Young, R.D. 2012. Recent population decline of the marbled murrelet in the Pacific Northwest. Condor 114: 771-781.

Nelson, S. K. 1997. Marbled Murrelet( Brachyramphus marmoratus). In: Poole, A.; Gill, F. (ed.), The birds of North America, No. 276, pp. 1-32. The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia and The American Ornithologists' Union, Philadelphia and Washington, DC.

Nelson, S. K.; Newman, S. H.; Barbaree, B. A.; Haynes, T. B.; Whitworth, D. L.; Carter, H. R. 2008. Nesting habitat, activity patterns and distribution of Marbled Murrelets at Port Snettisham, southeast Alaska. Abstracts, 35th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Blaine, Washington, 27 Feb - 2 Mar 2008, pp. 94. Pacific Seabird Group, Little River, CA, USA.

Partners in Flight. 2019. Avian Conservation Assessment Database, version 2019. Available at: http://pif.birdconservancy.org/ACAD.

Peery, M. Z.; Becker, B. H.; Beissinger, S. R. 2007. Age ratios as estimators of productivity: testing assumptions on a threatened seabird, the Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus). The Auk 124(1): 224-240.

Peery, M. Z.; Hall, L. A.; Sellas, A.; Beissinger, S. R.; Moritz, C.; Bérubé, M.; Raphael, M. G.; Nelson, S. K.; Golightly, R. T.; McFarlane-Tranquilla, L.; Newman, S.; Palsbøll, P. J. 2010. Genetic analyses of historic and modern Marbled Murrelets suggest decoupling of migration and gene flow after habitat fragmentation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: 697-706.

Peery, M. Z.; Newman, S. H.; Storlazzi, C. D.; Beissinger, S. R. 2009. Meeting reproductive demands in a dynamic upwellling system: foraging strategies of a pursuit-diving seabird, the Marbled Murrelet. Condor 111(1): 120-134.

Perry, D. A. 1995. Status of forest habitat of the Marbled Murrelet. In: Ralph, C.J.; Hunt, G.L.; Raphael, M.G.; Piatt, J.F. (ed.), Ecology and conservation of the Marbled Murrelet, pp. 381-384. Pacific Southwest Research Station (Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-152), Albany, California.

Piatt, J. F., Kuletz, K. J., Burger, A. E., Hatch, S. A., Friesen, V. L., Birt, T. P., Arimitsu, M. L., Drew, G. S., Harding, A. M. A. and Bixler, K. S. 2006. Status Review of the Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in Alaska and British Columbia. Open-File Report 2006-1387.. U.S. Geological Survey.

Piatt, J. F.; Ford, R. G. 1993. Distribution and abundance of Marbled Murrelets in Alaska. Condor 95: 662-669.

Piatt, J. F.; Kuletz, K. J.; Burger, A. E.; Hatch, S. A.; Friesen, V. L.; Birt, T. P.; Arimitsu, M. L.; Drew, G. S.; Harding, A. M . A.; Bixler, K. S. 2007. Status review of the Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in Alaska and British Columbia.

Piatt, J. F.; Naslund, N. L. 1995. Abundance, distribution and population status of Marbled Murrelet in Alaska. In: Ralph, C.J.; Hunt Jr, G.L.; Raphael, M.G.; Piatt, J.F. (ed.), Ecology and conservation of the Marbled Murrelet, pp. 295-312. Pacific Southwest Research Station (Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-152), Albany, California.

Ralph, C. J.; Hunt, G. L.; Raphael, M. G.; Piatt, J. F. 1995. Ecology and conservation of the Marbled Murrelet. Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, California.

Raphael, M. G. 2006. Conservation of the Marbled Murrelet under the Northwest Forest Plan. Conservation Biology 20: 297-305.

Raphael, M. G., A. J. Shirk, G. A. Falxa, Pearson, S. F. 2015. Habitat associations of marbled murrelets during the nesting season in nearshore waters along the Washington to California coast. Journal of Marine Systems 146: 17-25.

Raphael, M. G.; Bloxton Jr., T. D. 2008. Abundance and productivity of the Marbled Murrelet in the San Juan Archipelago, Washington, USA. Abstracts, 35th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Blaine, Washington, 27 Feb - 2 Mar 2008, pp. 103. Little River, CA, USA, Pacific Seabird Group.

Raphael, M.G., Falxa, G.A., Dugger, K.M., Galleher, B.M., Lynch, D., Miller, S.L., Nelson, S.K. and Young, R.D. 2011. Northwest Forest Plan—the first 15 years (1994–2008): status and trend of nesting habitat for the Marbled Murrelet. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-848. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 52 p.

RISC (Resources Information Standards Committee). 2001. Inventory methods for Marbled Murrelets in marine and terrestrial habitats, Version 2.0. Standards for components of British Columbia’s biodiversity, No. 10. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Resources Inventory Branch, Victoria, BC.

Rodway, M. S., H. R. Carter, S. G. Sealy and R. W. Campbell. 1992. Status of the Marbled Murrelet in British Columbia. Proceedings of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology 5(1): 17-41.

Ronconi, R. A. and A. E. Burger. 2008. Limited foraging flexibility: increased foraging effort by a marine predator does not buffer against scarce prey. Marine Ecology Progress Series 366: 245–258.

Sealy, S. G.; Carter, H. R. 1984. At-sea distribution and nesting habitat of the Marbled Murrelet in British Columbia: problems in the conservation of a solitary nesting seabird. In: Croxall, J.P.; Evans, P.G.H.; Schreiber, R.W. (ed.), Status and conservation of the world's seabirds, pp. 737-756. International Council for Bird Preservation, Cambridge, U.K.

Stein, J. L. and Miller, G.S. 1992. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: Determination of threatened status for the Washington, Oregon, and California population of the Marbled Murrelet. Federal Register 57(191): 45328-45337.

Titmus, A. J.; Smith, J. L. 2008. The behaviour of Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in response to the corkline of a modifed gillnet. Abstracts, 35th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Blaine, Washington, 27 Feb - 2 Mar 2008, pp. 118. Little River, CA, USA, Pacific Seabird Group.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1992. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; determination of threatened status for the Washington, Oregon and California population of the Marbled Murrelet. USDI Fish and Wildlife Service Fed. Reg. 57: 45328-45337.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2012. Report on Marbled Murrelet Recovery Implementation Team Meeting and Stakeholder Workshop. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Lacey, WA.

Whitworth, D.L., Nelson, S.K., Newman, S.H., Van Vliet, G.B. & Smith, W. 2000. Foraging distances of radiomarked Marbled Murrelets from inland areas in southeast Alaska. Condor 102: 452–456.

Wilson, S. F. 2019. Review of Marbled Murrelet Habitat Mapping and Mitigation on State Trust Lands.

Zharikov, Y., D. Lank, Cooke, F. 2007. Influence of landscape pattern on breeding distribution and success in a threatened Alcid, the marbled murrelet: model transferability and management implications. Journal of Applied Ecology 44(748-759).

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Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Species factsheet: Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus. Downloaded from https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/factsheet/marbled-murrelet-brachyramphus-marmoratus on 26/01/2025.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2025) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/search on 26/01/2025.