Long-tailed Jaeger Stercorarius longicaudus


Taxonomic source(s)
AERC TAC. 2003. AERC TAC Checklist of bird taxa occurring in Western Palearctic region, 15th Draft. Available at:
Christidis, L. and Boles, W.E. 2008. Systematics and Taxonomy of Australian Birds. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Australia.
Cramp, S. and Simmons, K.E.L. (eds). 1977-1994. Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The birds of the western Palearctic. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
del Hoyo, J., Collar, N.J., Christie, D.A., Elliott, A. and Fishpool, L.D.C. 2014. HBW and BirdLife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World. Volume 1: Non-passerines. Lynx Edicions BirdLife International, Barcelona, Spain and Cambridge, UK.
SACC. 2005 and updates. A classification of the bird species of South America. Available at:
Turbott, E.G. 1990. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand. Ornithological Society of New Zealand, Wellington.

IUCN Red List criteria met and history
Red List criteria met
Critically Endangered Endangered Vulnerable
- - -

Red List history
Year Category Criteria
2018 Least Concern
2016 Least Concern
2012 Least Concern
2009 Least Concern
2008 Least Concern
2004 Least Concern
2000 Lower Risk/Least Concern
1994 Lower Risk/Least Concern
1988 Lower Risk/Least Concern
Species attributes

Migratory status full migrant Forest dependency does not normally occur in forest
Land-mass type Average mass -

Estimate Data quality
Extent of Occurrence (breeding/resident) 34,800,000 km2 medium
Extent of Occurrence (non-breeding) 89,300,000 km2 medium
Severely fragmented? no -
Estimate Data quality Derivation Year of estimate
Population size 250000-749999 mature individuals poor estimated 2012
Population trend stable - suspected -
Generation length 12.5 years - - -

Population justification: In Europe, the breeding population is estimated to number c.19,800-53,000 breeding pairs, equating to c.39,700-106,000 mature individuals (BirdLife International 2015). Europe forms approximately 15% of the global range, so a very preliminary estimate of the global population size is c.265,000-710,000 mature individuals, although further validation of this estimate is needed. The population is therefore placed in the band 250,000-749,999 mature individuals.

Trend justification: The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence for any declines or substantial threats. The European population size is estimated to be fluctuating (BirdLife International 2015).

Country/territory distribution
Country/Territory Presence Origin Resident Breeding visitor Non-breeding visitor Passage migrant
Angola extant vagrant
Antigua and Barbuda extant native
Argentina extant native
Aruba (to Netherlands) extant vagrant
Australia extant native yes
Austria extant native yes
Bahamas extant vagrant
Barbados extant native
Belarus extant vagrant
Belgium extant native
Belize extant vagrant
Bermuda (to UK) extant vagrant yes
Bosnia and Herzegovina extant vagrant
Botswana extant vagrant
Brazil extant native
Bulgaria extant vagrant
Canada extant native
Cape Verde extant vagrant
Cayman Islands (to UK) extant vagrant
Chile extant native
Colombia extant native yes
Costa Rica extant vagrant
Croatia extant vagrant
Cuba extant native
Czechia extant native
Denmark extant native yes
Dominica extant native
Dominican Republic extant vagrant yes
Ecuador extant native
Egypt extant native
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) extant native
Faroe Islands (to Denmark) extant native
Fiji extant vagrant yes
Finland extant native yes
France extant native
Germany extant vagrant
Greece extant vagrant
Greenland (to Denmark) extant native yes
Guadeloupe (to France) extant vagrant yes
Guatemala extant native
Haiti extant vagrant
Hong Kong (China) extant vagrant
Hungary extant native
Iceland extant native yes
Indonesia extant native
Iran, Islamic Republic of extant vagrant yes
Ireland extant vagrant
Israel extant native yes
Italy extant native yes
Jamaica extant vagrant
Japan extant native
Jordan extant vagrant
Kenya extant vagrant
Kuwait extant vagrant yes
Latvia extant native
Liberia extant vagrant
Malaysia extant native
Malta extant vagrant
Martinique (to France) extant native
Mauritania extant vagrant
Mexico extant native
Montenegro extant vagrant
Montserrat (to UK) extant native
Morocco extant vagrant
Namibia extant vagrant
Netherlands extant native
New Caledonia (to France) extant native
New Zealand extant vagrant
Nigeria extant vagrant
Northern Mariana Islands (to USA) extant native yes
Norway extant native yes yes
Oman extant vagrant yes
Palau extant native yes
Panama extant vagrant
Peru extant native
Poland extant native
Portugal extant vagrant
Qatar extant vagrant
Romania extant native yes
Russia extant native yes
Russia (Asian) extant native yes
Russia (Central Asian) extant native yes
Russia (European) extant native yes
Senegal extant vagrant
Serbia extant vagrant
Slovakia extant vagrant
Slovenia extant vagrant
Solomon Islands extant native
South Africa extant vagrant
South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands extant native
Spain extant vagrant
St Helena (to UK) extant vagrant
St Kitts and Nevis extant native
St Lucia extant native
St Pierre and Miquelon (to France) extant native yes yes
St Vincent and the Grenadines extant native
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (to Norway) extant native yes
Sweden extant native yes
Switzerland extant native
Thailand extant native
Togo extant vagrant
Türkiye extant vagrant
United Arab Emirates extant vagrant yes
United Kingdom extant native yes
Uruguay extant vagrant
USA extant native yes
Vanuatu extant native

Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA)
Country/Territory IBA Name
Finland Käsivarsi fjelds
Finland Kevo
Greenland (to Denmark) Hochstetter Forland
Greenland (to Denmark) South coast of Germania Land, and Slaedelandet
Greenland (to Denmark) Western part of Germania land
Norway Dovrefjell
Norway Hardangervidda
Norway Reisa
Norway Varanger Peninsula
Russia (Asian) Gusikha river basin and lower Balakhnya river
Russia (Asian) Izvestiy Tsik islands
Russia (Asian) Kanchalan river basin
Russia (Asian) Kolyma delta
Russia (Asian) Lower Anadyr lowlands
Russia (Asian) Lower Nizhnyaya Taymyra river
Russia (Asian) Preobrazheniya island
Russia (Asian) Utkholok river
Russia (Central Asian) Basins of the Schuchya and Khadytayakha rivers
Russia (Central Asian) Lower Yuribey
Russia (Central Asian) Upper and Middle Yuribey
Russia (Central Asian) Valley of the Yorkutayakha river
Russia (European) Middle reaches of Bolshaya Rogovaya river
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (to Norway) Inner parts of Kongsfjorden
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (to Norway) Sassen-Bünsow Land
Sweden Lake Ånn – Storlien
Sweden Lake Tjålme – Valley of Lais
Sweden Middagsfjället – Dörrshöjden
Sweden Tavvavouma
Sweden Vindel Mountains (including Lake Tärna)

Habitats & altitude
Habitat (level 1) Habitat (level 2) Importance Occurrence
Grassland Tundra major breeding
Marine Neritic Macroalgal/Kelp suitable non-breeding
Marine Neritic Pelagic major non-breeding
Marine Neritic Seagrass (Submerged) suitable non-breeding
Marine Neritic Subtidal Loose Rock/pebble/gravel suitable non-breeding
Marine Neritic Subtidal Rock and Rocky Reefs suitable non-breeding
Marine Neritic Subtidal Sandy suitable non-breeding
Marine Neritic Subtidal Sandy-Mud suitable non-breeding
Marine Oceanic Epipelagic (0-200m) suitable non-breeding
Marine Oceanic Mesopelagic (200-1000m) suitable non-breeding
Altitude 0 - 1300 m Occasional altitudinal limits  

Threats & impact
Threat (level 1) Threat (level 2) Impact and Stresses
Climate change & severe weather Other impacts Timing Scope Severity Impact
Future Majority (50-90%) Unknown Unknown
Indirect ecosystem effects, Reduced reproductive success

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Species factsheet: Long-tailed Jaeger Stercorarius longicaudus. Downloaded from on 09/01/2025.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2025) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from on 09/01/2025.