Justification of Red List category
This species is listed as Endangered because it is estimated to have a very small population size.
Population justification
It is thought to be locally common in ideal habitat, but very patchy and absent from most forest, so the total population is likely to be very small.
During surveys in 2002-2005 and in February 2012, the following numbers have been reported: At Wabu Forest Reserve, 12 territories were recorded in 2003 (Dutson and Masibalavu 2004), and 16 in 2012); At Sovi Basin, three pairs were reported at Wainasa Creek in 2005, and 20 territories in 2012; At Monasavu, two sites each comprising c.2 pairs were recorded in 2002-2005, and 25 territories in 2012; At Namosi, two territories were recorded in 2012; At Mt Korobaba, it was heard on three occasions in 2003, and one territory was recorded in 2012; and at Tomaniivi, there were no records in 2002-2005, and two territories were recorded in 2012 (Dutson and Masibalavu 2004; Masibalavu and Dutson 2006; G. Dutson and V. Masibalavu in litt. 2006; V. Masibalavu in litt. 2007, 2012). Territories have been reported to comprise anything from several pairs with juveniles to lone pairs or a singing bird (Dutson and Masibalavu 2004, G. Dutson and V. Masibalavu in litt. 2006).
Based on extrapolations from density estimates produced by fieldwork, the population size is estimated to number 50-249 mature individuals (BirdLife International 2006), although it could potentially be greater than this.
Trend justification
Although the species is known from only very few sites, almost all are on steep terrain unsuitable for logging or cultivation, and no specific threats have been identified, so the population is suspected to be stable. Over ten years from 2009 - 2019, approximately 1.6% of forest with at least 50% canopy cover was lost within the species's range (Global Forest Watch 2020).
Megalurulus rufus is endemic to Viti Levu and Vanua Levu on Fiji.
On Viti Levu, it was known historically from four specimens from the 1890s, and was thought to be extinct for a long time. In 1973, there was an unconfirmed record about a kilometre north-east of Nakeva, near Sawanikula (Holyoak 1979). The species was then definitely recorded in 2003, when a survey team discovered 12 pairs at the Wabu Forest Reserve (Dutson and Masibalavu 2004). During surveys between 2002 and 2015, the species was reported at several other sites: Sovi Basin, Monasavu, Namosi, Mt Korobaba, and Tomaniivi (Dutson and Masibalavu 2004; Masibalavu and Dutson 2006; G. Dutson and V. Masibalavu in litt. 2006; V. Masibalavu in litt. 2007, 2012; Naikatini et al. 2017). In 2016, it was reported to have been seen near Abaca EcoLodge in the Koroyanitu National Park (Reid et al. 2019).
On Vanua Levu, where the population is thought to have represented a distinct subspecies (M. r. clunei), a single specimen was captured in 1974, and another individual was seen at the same time (Kinsky 1975). Twenty-two days were spent surveying five sites in the same mountain range as the type locality, but none was recorded, although its call was described by local villagers at Valovoni (Dutson and Masibalavu 2004, G. Dutson and V. Masibalavu in litt. 2006). Further surveys in 2016 - 2018 also failed to find any individuals (M. O'Brien in litt. 2018). The subspecies may now be extinct.
All recent records have been from old-growth forest close to small streams or creeks (Dutson and Masibalavu 2004). Most locations were on steep slopes with unstable land-slide areas where pioneer vegetation, including herbs, Piper spp. and tree-ferns, created a dense understorey. The Wabu birds were on flatter terrain but the climatic and edaphic effects of the altitude may lead to similar habitat on gentle terrain at 800 m as on very steep slopes at 300 m (BirdLife International 2006). The species was reported at its lowest elevation at Sovi Basin (80 m and 110 m). The species is suspected to be susceptible to disturbance (M. O'Brien in litt. 2018). Pairs and family groups forage unobtrusively close to the ground and are best located by their song (BirdLife International 2006).
As a ground-dwelling bird, it is suspected to be at a high risk of predation by introduced Small Indian Mongoose Herpestes auropunctatus and Black Rats Rattus rattus on both islands, however birds were found breeding successfully in Wabu alongside these predators (Dutson and Masibalavu 2004). Montane forest is being logged in some areas which leads to increased numbers of these alien species (BirdLife International 2006). The location of the records on Vanua Levu has since been logged (M. O'Brien in litt. 2018). Forests on Fiji have also been converted to mahogany plantations. The species may also be threatened by proposed mining activity around Sovi Basin and by hydroelectric schemes and/or flooding of valleys at Rairaimatuku Highlands and Greater Tomaniivi IBAs (M. O'Brien in litt. 2018).
Conservation Actions Underway
It is protected by Fijian law. It occurs in the Sovi Basin Protected Area, Wabu Forest Reserve (BirdLife International 2006), Koroyanitu National Park (Reid et al. 2019) and Monasavu Protection Forest. Local communities have been involved in surveying the species, and conservation groups have worked with them to raise awareness of forest conservation (Dutson and Masibalavu 2004).
17 cm. A long-tailed secretive warbler of the forest floor. Upperparts rather warm brown with a distinct long fine silvery supercilium. White throat contrasts with buffy-rufous breast-sides and flanks, fading into an off-white belly. Fairly long bluish legs, and medium-short black bill. Similar spp. Similar to Fiji Bush-warbler Cettia ruficapilla but is larger with a longer tail, more contrasting supercilium and throat, but lacks a rufous cap, and has different behaviour. Voice Repeated short phrases of loud melodic notes; variable and can be similar to Fiji Bush-warbler. Distinctive bubbling alarm call.
Text account compilers
Wheatley, H.
Derhé, M., Dutson, G., Holyoak, D.T., Masibalavu, V., O'Brien, A., O'Brien, M., Temple, H. & Watling, D.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Species factsheet: Long-legged Thicketbird Cincloramphus rufus. Downloaded from
https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/factsheet/long-legged-thicketbird-cincloramphus-rufus on 25/01/2025.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2025) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from
https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/search on 25/01/2025.