Finsch's Wheatear Oenanthe finschii


Taxonomic source(s)
AERC TAC. 2003. AERC TAC Checklist of bird taxa occurring in Western Palearctic region, 15th Draft. Available at:
Cramp, S. and Simmons, K.E.L. (eds). 1977-1994. Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The birds of the western Palearctic. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
del Hoyo, J., Collar, N.J., Christie, D.A., Elliott, A., Fishpool, L.D.C., Boesman, P. and Kirwan, G.M. 2016. HBW and BirdLife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World. Volume 2: Passerines. Lynx Edicions and BirdLife International, Barcelona, Spain and Cambridge, UK.

IUCN Red List criteria met and history
Red List criteria met
Critically Endangered Endangered Vulnerable
- - -

Red List history
Year Category Criteria
2024 Least Concern
2016 Least Concern
2012 Least Concern
2009 Least Concern
2008 Least Concern
2004 Least Concern
2000 Lower Risk/Least Concern
1994 Lower Risk/Least Concern
1988 Lower Risk/Least Concern
Species attributes

Migratory status full migrant Forest dependency does not normally occur in forest
Land-mass type Average mass -

Estimate Data quality
Extent of Occurrence (breeding/resident) 4,320,000 km2
Extent of Occurrence (non-breeding) 5,520,000 km2
Severely fragmented? no -
Estimate Data quality Derivation Year of estimate
Population size 816000-2470000 mature individuals poor estimated 2018
Population trend unknown - suspected -
Generation length 2.29 years - - -

Population justification: In Europe, the total population size is estimated at 204,000-617,000 mature individuals, with 102,000-309,000 breeding pairs (BirdLife International 2021), and comprises approximately 25% of the species' global range, so a very preliminary estimate of the global population size is between 816,000-2,470,000 mature individuals, although further validation of this estimate is desirable. In Europe the trend for this species is not known (BirdLife International 2021). As no other data are available to derive trends, the global population trend for this species is unknown

Trend justification:    .

Country/territory distribution
Country/Territory Presence Origin Resident Breeding visitor Non-breeding visitor Passage migrant
Afghanistan extant native yes
Armenia extant native yes
Azerbaijan extant native yes
Bahrain extant vagrant yes
Bulgaria extant vagrant
Cyprus extant native yes
Egypt extant native
Georgia extant native yes
Greece extant vagrant
India extant native
Iran, Islamic Republic of extant native yes
Iraq extant native yes
Israel extant native yes
Jordan extant native yes
Kazakhstan extant native yes
Kuwait extant native yes yes
Lebanon extant native yes yes
Libya extant vagrant
Morocco extant native
Oman extant vagrant yes yes
Pakistan extant native
Qatar extant native yes
Saudi Arabia extant native yes
Syria extant native yes
Tajikistan extant native yes
Türkiye extant native yes
Turkmenistan extant native yes
Uzbekistan extant native yes

Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA)
Country/Territory IBA Name
Iran, Islamic Republic of Golestan
Iran, Islamic Republic of Oshtrankuh Protected Area
Iran, Islamic Republic of Parvar Protected Area
Iran, Islamic Republic of Western Zagros north of Nowsud
Iraq Ahmed Awa
Iraq Augla, Wadi Hauran
Iraq Barzan Area and Gali Balnda
Iraq Chami Razan
Iraq De Lezha
Iraq Doli Smaquli and Ashab
Iraq Dukan Lake
Iraq Halgurd Mountain
Iraq Peramagroon Mountain
Iraq Qara Dagh
Iraq Sari Hassan Bag
Iraq Sharbazher Area
Lebanon Shouf Cedars Nature Reserve
Lebanon Upper Mountains of Akkar-Donnieh
Saudi Arabia Harrat al-Harrah
Saudi Arabia Jabal al-Lawz
Saudi Arabia Mahazat as-Sayd
Syria Abu Zad
Syria Mount Hermon
Syria Wadi al-Qarn - Burqush
Syria Yarmuk valley
Tajikistan Dangara massif
Tajikistan Mogoltau massif
Turkmenistan Badhyz
Turkmenistan Delili - Garajabatyr
Turkmenistan Dushakerekdag
Turkmenistan Garabil
Turkmenistan Garashor
Turkmenistan Gurykhovudan
Turkmenistan Koymat - Begarslan
Turkmenistan Koytendag
Turkmenistan Kurendag - Garagoz
Turkmenistan Kurtusuv - Khovudan
Turkmenistan Sumbar
Turkmenistan Tekejik - Biynekyr
Turkmenistan Uly Balkan
Uzbekistan Middle reaches of the Sherabad River
Uzbekistan Sarmysh Nature Park

Habitats & altitude
Habitat (level 1) Habitat (level 2) Importance Occurrence
Desert Hot suitable non-breeding
Desert Hot suitable breeding
Grassland Subtropical/Tropical Dry suitable non-breeding
Grassland Subtropical/Tropical Dry suitable breeding
Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks) major non-breeding
Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks) major breeding
Shrubland Subtropical/Tropical Dry suitable non-breeding
Shrubland Subtropical/Tropical Dry suitable breeding
Shrubland Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude suitable non-breeding
Shrubland Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude suitable breeding
Altitude 0 - 2340 m Occasional altitudinal limits (max) 2200 m

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Species factsheet: Finsch's Wheatear Oenanthe finschii. Downloaded from on 09/01/2025.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2025) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from on 09/01/2025.