Cocos Cuckoo Coccyzus ferrugineus


Justification of Red List category
This species is classified as Vulnerable because it has a very small range and population. Introduced herbivores are degrading forests in its range, but it appears to tolerate some habitat modification and there is (as yet) no evidence of a decline in its range or population. Regular surveys are required so that trend data can be collected, and if it is found to be in decline it may warrant uplisting to Critically Endangered.

Population justification
The total population is probably significantly below 1,000 individuals (F. G. Stiles in litt. 1999). It is placed in the band 250-999 mature individuals, equating to 375-1,499 individuals in total, rounded here to 350-1,500 individuals.

Trend justification
The effects of the potential threats to this species are uncertain or unquantified, and in the absence of any serious and immediate threats the population is suspected to be stable.

Distribution and population

Coccyzus ferrugineus is endemic to Cocos Island, c.500 km from the coast of Costa Rica. It is widespread and probably under-recorded in suitable habitat, but the extent of such habitat is very limited (F. G. Stiles in litt. 1999). The total population is probably significantly below 1,000 individuals, and it is the least common of the endemic land birds on the island.


It frequents second growth forest, Hibiscus thickets and streamside vine-tangles, feeding on large insects and lizards Anolis sp. (Stiles and Skutch 1989). There are apparently no published observations of the species nesting (T. Sherry in litt. 2007).


Cats are potential predators of adults, fledglings and nests, whilst rats are potential nest predators. Feral deer, pigs and goats graze suitable habitat. Pigs especially devastate the lower strata and understorey of native forests and inhibit forest regeneration (Sherry 1985, F. G. Stiles in litt. 1999). On many other islands, this combination of feral mammals has caused the extinction of numerous endemic plant and animal species. There is also low-level disturbance from increasing tourism (Sherry 1985). Global climate change might pose a threat in the future, perhaps through the effects of changes in weather patterns (T. Sherry in litt. 2007).

Conservation actions

Conservation Actions Underway
Cocos Island has been designated as a national park, but no substantive measures have been taken to reduce populations of introduced mammals (F. G. Stiles in litt. 1999).

Conservation Actions Proposed
Conduct surveys to estimate the population, perhaps using call play-back and mist-netting (T. Sherry in litt. 2007). Monitor population trends through regular surveys. Carry out research into the species's breeding biology (T. Sherry in litt. 2007). Study the impact of introduced mammals. Begin to eradicate introduced mammals where feasible.


33 cm. Brightly coloured cuckoo. Slaty-grey crown and blackish mask. Greyish-brown upperparts. Bright rufous wings. Uniform, rich buff underparts. Black tail with broad white tipped rectrices. Bright yellow eye-ring. Black bill with yellow lower mandible tipped black. Immature has indistinct tail pattern. Similar spp. Yellow-billed Cuckoo C. americanus has white underparts. Mangrove Cuckoo C. minor has greyish wings and brown mantle. Black-billed Cuckoo C. erythropthalmus has black bill and white underparts. Voice Deep, dry kcha repeated 5-8 times, sometimes preceded by rolling rattles. Also guttural k'k'k'k'ru'hoo.


Text account compilers
Everest, J.

Benstead, P., Isherwood, I., Sharpe, C.J., Sherry, T., Stiles, F.G. & Taylor, J.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Species factsheet: Cocos Cuckoo Coccyzus ferrugineus. Downloaded from on 15/01/2025.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2025) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from on 15/01/2025.