Justification of Red List category
Although little is known about the current status of this species, it appears to be rare throughout its range, and is estimated to have a small population. It is experiencing continued habitat loss and degradation, and it is therefore considered Vulnerable.
Population justification
Owing to its apparent rarity, taking the lower density quartiles of other flycatcher congeners, including the African Shrike-flycatcher, which also inhabits montane forests, of 1-6 individuals/sqkm (BirdLife Population Density Spreadsheet; Gatter 1997), and assuming that it inhabits 10% of the forest within its range (31,600 sqkm [Global Forest Watch 2021]), the population falls into the band of 2,107-12,640 mature individuals, rounded here to 2,100-12,700 mature individuals.
This species has two subspecies; Fraseria lendu lendu found in northeast DRC, southwest Uganda and west Kenya, and F. lendu itombwensis, found in eastern DRC. This species has not been recorded travelling long distances (Taylor 2020), and therefore, based on the distribution across its range (BirdLife International 2021), it may form up to 5 subpopulations. Therefore the number of subpopulations is estimated to be between 2-5. As such, based on a population size of 2,100-12,700 there may be 420-6,350 mature individuals in the largest subpopulation.
Trend justification
This species's population is inferred to be declining due to ongoing forest loss and degradation (Global Forest Watch 2021). During the years 2001-2019, this species's range lost 8.4% forest cover (Global Forest Watch 2021), equating to a 4.5% loss over 10 years. Assuming that the population declines at a similar rate, the overall rate of past decline is suspected to fall in the band of 1-10% Species distribution modelling by Ayebare et al. (2018) suggested that this species would lose 83% of its range between c.2018-2080 due to climate change. This would equate to a loss of 25% over 10 years. Therefore, the rate of future decline is suspected to fall in the band of 20-29%.
Muscicapa lendu appears to be rare throughout its fragmented range. It is known from a narrow band in the Itombwe Mountains (subspecies itombwensis) and on the Lendu Plateau (the nominate subspecies) in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) (Prigogine 1957, 1971, 1978, 1985). It also occurs in Bwindi (Impenetrable) Forest in Uganda (Keith and Vernon 1969), and has been recorded from Kakamega and North and South Nandi Forests in Kenya (Zimmerman 1972, Anon 2012). There had been few recent records from the latter localities (L. Bennun in litt. 1999), until 17 birds (13 singles and two pairs) were recorded in Kakamega Forest during surveys between November 2002 and February 2003 (Musila et al. 2006), and 5 individuals, including one immature were seen in south Nandi in 2011 (Anon 2012). Following the surveys in Kakamega, the total population in Kakamega Forest was estimated at c.200 birds (Musila et al. 2006). There is one sight record from Nyungwe Forest (Rwanda), but this requires confirmation (Dowsett-Lemaire 1990).
It inhabits dense montane forest (Prigogine 1957). In the Itombwe Mountains, it occurs between 1,470 and 1,820 m (Prigogine 1957, 1971), but in North Nandi it has occurred up to 2,150 m. It feeds on insects (Prigogine 1957, 1971). In Itombwe, it breeds during March-September, and may also lay during January-February (Prigogine 1971). Birds recorded in Kakamega Forest during surveys in 2002 and 2003 were seen perched 12-22 m above the ground, on bare branches of tall indigenous trees with a mean canopy height of 27 m (Musila et al. 2006). Observations at Ikuywa River Forest (Kakamega) (Musila et al. 2006) suggest that the species can tolerate certain levels of forest degradation.
It is threatened by forest clearance for agriculture and timber. In the DRC, the Lendu Plateau is now largely deforested (N. Burgess in litt. 2003), while increased forest clearance for cattle-grazing and cultivation is a major threat at Itombwe, driven by political instability and crop failure (Omari et al. 1999). In Kenya, the Kakamega and North Nandi Forests are very seriously threatened by encroachment, uncontrolled tree-felling, charcoal making and firewood collection, while intense pressure from cattle-grazing is affecting the structure and regeneration of forest in Kakamega (L. Bennun in litt. 1999, Musila et al. 2006). The fragments of Kakamega Forest are distant from one another, and this could render the species's population at this site susceptible to deleterious genetic and demographic processes and events (Musila et al. 2006). Forests in the species's range are threatened by fires, which are often started for the collection of honey or for the production of charcoal (Plumptre et al. 2003). This species is at risk from range and habitat loss due to climate change (Ayebare et al. 2018).
Conservation Actions Underway
Its habitat in Bwindi Forest is well-protected by the Bwindi-Impenetrable National Park (T. Butynski in litt. 1999), but the Itombwe Mountains and Lendu Plateau are not protected (N. Burgess in litt. 2003). The northern third of Kakamega Forest is designated as a national reserve and is somewhat better protected than the rest of the forest. A local guides' group in Kakamega, KABICOTOA, has started a programme of environmental education and awareness activities, targeting forest-adjacent schools (L. Bennun in litt. 1999). At Isecheno Nature Reserve (incorporating the southern fraction of the main forest patch at Kakamega), the presence of forest guards and their surveillance has protected near-pristine, indigenous and presumably suitable habitat for the species (Musila et al. 2006). Overall, effective conservation of the species's forests in Kenya will require a major programme (L. Bennun in litt. 1999).
12-13 cm. Small, unobtrusive flycatcher. Uniform, drab greyish-brown upperparts. Greyish underparts, paler throat and vent. Similar spp. Very similar Olivaceous Flycatcher M. olivascens has yellow lower mandible (can be very difficult to see in field). Care needed with identification, as the two species overlap in range and their altitudinal limits uncertain. Voice Thin, soft tsseet tsseet, and short buzzy trill, difficult to hear. Hints Found in pairs or groups of 2-4, it joins mixed-species flocks.
Text account compilers
Clark, J.
Bennun, L., Benstead, P., Burgess, N., Butynski, T.M., Ekstrom, J., Evans, M., Shutes, S., Starkey, M., Symes, A., Taylor, J. & Westrip, J.R.S.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Species factsheet: Chapin's Flycatcher Fraseria lendu. Downloaded from
https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/factsheet/chapins-flycatcher-fraseria-lendu on 12/01/2025.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2025) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from
https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/search on 12/01/2025.