Cebu Brown-dove Phapitreron frontalis


Justification of Red List category
This dove has not been recorded with certainty since 1892 despite reasonable efforts searching for it, and Cebu retains just 0.03% of its original forest cover (Collar et al. 2001). Any remaining population must therefore be tiny (<50 mature individuals). If a population does persist, it may be declining further still due to ongoing habitat loss and degradation. It is therefore listed as Critically Endangered, but following unconfirmed sightings in the mid-1990s, early 2000s and 2007-2012 (Paguntalan and Jakosalem 2008, R. Hutchinson in litt. 2016), it cannot be categorised as Extinct or tagged as Possibly Extinct until further searches have been carried out.

Population justification
The species had not been observed with certainty since 1892 and all sightings since have not been published with documentation or evidence (Allen 2020). Cebu has <0.03% of its original forest cover and, despite numerous birdwatching groups visiting areas of remnant forest each year, the species remains undetected. Any remaining population must be tiny, and the population is therefore placed in the band 1-49 mature individuals.

Trend justification
It is unknown whether this species is still definitely extant, hence a population trend cannot be assumed. However, if a remnant population of the species does persist in what little secondary forest remains (Cebu has <0.03% of original forest cover), it may be inferred to be undergoing a continuing decline since the few remaining tracts of forest on Cebu are still suffering from loss and degradation (Global Forest Watch 2021).

Distribution and population

The species is known only from the island of Cebu (Philippines), where it has often been considered extinct (Dutson et al. 1993, Allen 2020), having not been observed with certainty since 1892 (Rabor 1959). There was a scattering of reports in the mid-1990s and early 2000s (to 2012) however none of these have been published with evidence and cannot be validated (e.g. Paguntalan and Jakosalem 2008); it has been suggested that these may refer instead to Phapitreron amethystinus (R. Hutchinson in litt. 2016). There have been no sightings since these speculative reports, despite numerous birdwatching groups visiting remnant patches of forest on Cebu each year (R. Hutchinson in litt. 2021). Given the near-total clearance of even secondary forest on Cebu, any remnant population must be extremely small.


Inhabits the interior of humid forest and dense second growth (Allen 2020), of which almost none remains on Cebu. Said to prefer hill and montane primary forest (Rabor 1959), however the island peaks at 920 m and had been almost totally cleared of forest by the time of early ornithological explorations; hence, it may be considered best as a lowland/submontane species.


By the time of Cebu's early ornithological explorations in the 1890s, the small amount of forest remaining on Cebu was already rapidly being cleared (Collar et al. 2001). A century later, Cebu had retained barely 0.03% (c.15 km2) of its original cover, and even the most degraded secondary habitats were scarce (Dutson et al. 1993). The few remaining tracts of forest are variously threatened by illegal settlement, road construction, shifting cultivation, illicit logging, charcoal making, firewood collection and habitat clearance for mining. As a large-bodied species, Phapitreron frontalis may be affected too by hunting.

Conservation actions

Conservation and research actions underway
The Central Cebu National Park was declared a Strict Protection Zone in 1996. The felling of trees is prohibited in the reserve, but this continues to confer little or no effective protection. Both Nug-as and Dalaguete are managed by organised local communities supported by the municipal government. Forest wardening schemes are in placed in Nug-as, Dalaguete and Argao forest patches. The local government of Carmen in the northern part of Cebu is directly involved in protecting existing patches of secondary forests.

Conservation and research actions proposed
Identify all remnant forest tracts on Cebu and urgently survey them for remaining populations. Continue to fund and implement management activities at Tabunan. Support the proposal to designate Mt Lantoy as a national park, and urgently propose all remaining forest tracts on Cebu, including Nug-As, for strict formal protection. Continue to search for the species and undertake formal surveys for it.


Text account compilers
Ashpole, J, Westrip, J.R.S., Butchart, S., Taylor, J., Symes, A., Berryman, A., Ekstrom, J.

Jakosalem, G., Mallari, A. & Hutchinson, R.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Species factsheet: Cebu Brown-dove Phapitreron frontalis. Downloaded from on 14/01/2025.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2025) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from on 14/01/2025.