Justification of Red List category
Extensive habitat loss indicates that this species is likely to be declining rapidly, and it consequently qualifies as Vulnerable.
Population justification
The population size is preliminarily estimated to fall into the band 10,000-19,999 individuals. This equates to 6,667-13,333 mature individuals, rounded here to 6,000-15,000 mature individuals.
Trend justification
A rapid and on-going population decline is suspected, in line with rates of habitat loss and fragmentation within the species's range.
Coryphaspiza melanotis occurs in extreme south-east Peru (Madre de Dios), across north Bolivia (Beni and La Paz [Armonía 1995]) to Brazil (Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Goiás, Distrito Federal [Forrester 1993], Minas Gerais and São Paulo) and south through east Paraguay (Itapúa, San Pedro and Canindeyú to Isla Yacreta, with a historical record from Caaguazú [Hayes 1995, A. J. Lesterhuis in litt. 2007]) to north-east Argentina (Corrientes, Misiones, Chaco and Santa Fe [Chebez 2008]). There is an isolated population on Marajó Island in the mouth of the Amazon, E Pará and recent records from Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil (Pichorim et al. 2014). It has recently become very local and rare, with a global stronghold in west Beni and adjacent La Paz (Parker 1989, Brace et al. 1997), possibly contiguous with populations in north Beni and Peru (Parker and Bailey 1991, Mitchell et al. 1997). In Brazil, it is known from four areas, but potentially notable populations occur in some large national parks. It has recently been recorded from only one site in Argentina (D. Finch in litt. 1998) and three in Paraguay (Lowen et al. 1996, Clay et al. 1998, H. del Castillo and R. P. Clay in litt. 2000, A. J. Lesterhuis in litt. 2007), where the stronghold appears to be Laguna Blanca, San Pedro (A. J. Lesterhuis in litt. 2007).
In Bolivia and Brazil, it inhabits tall, sometimes seasonally wet, grasslands, to 1,200 m (Stotz et al. 1996, Brace et al. 1997). In Beni, immatures have been seen in heavily grazed grassland with numerous trees and bushes (Parker 1989), and areas of tussocky grass 50-125 cm tall with scrubby mounds (Mitchell et al. 1997). In Paraguay, it has been seen in campo sujo comprising pristine tussocky grasses, with small areas of bare ground, scattered bushes and yata'i Butia sp. palms (Lowen et al. 1996, Clay et al. 1998). There is evidence that it tolerates some grassland burning (Lowen et al. 1996, L. P. Silveira in litt. 1999), at least if the grass grows back to its full height (R. C. Brace in litt. 1999). Breeding is probably September-December (Lowen et al. 1996, Clay et al. 1998).
Suitable grasslands are being rapidly destroyed by mechanised agriculture, intensive cattle-ranching, afforestation, invasive grasses, excessive use of pesticides and annual burning (Stotz et al. 1996, Parker and Willis 1997). By 1993, two-thirds of the Cerrado region had been heavily or moderately altered (Conservation International 1999), with most of the destruction having occurred since 1950 (Cavalcanti 1999). Burning is a major problem in the Beni and fires started by ranch managers often get out of control. Although the species appears to show some tolerance to burning its preference for long grass habitats means this is presumably a significant threat (C. Hesse in litt. 2007). In Paraguay, the Laguna Blanca private nature reserve has failed to protect the species, which is threatened with the continuous conversion of natural grasslands into pastures with exotic grass species and Eucalyptus plantations. (H. del Castillo in litt. 2012).
Conservation Actions Underway
Formerly considered Vulnerable at the national level (Silveira and Straube 2008), it is now designated Endangered under Brazilian legislation (MMA 2014). The species is protected by law in Paraguay where it is considered Endangered on a national level (H. Del Castillo in litt. 2012). It occurs in Brasília and Serra da Canastra National Parks (Brazil) (Forrester 1993, Silveira 1998), Laguna Blanca private nature reserve (H. Del Castillo in litt. 2012), Mbaracayú Forest Nature Reserve and Isla Yacyreta Private Reserve (Paraguay) (Lowen et al. 1996, Clay et al. 1998, A. J. Lesterhuis in litt. 2007) and Beni Biological Station (Bolivia) (Parker 1989, Brace et al. 1997).
13.5 cm. Boldly patterned finch. Male has black crown, face, cheeks and auricular. Off-white eyebrow and underparts. Black patches on breast sides. Greyish nape grading into warm brown back, both finely streaked. Olive wings with yellow on carpal. Blackish tail with broad, white tips, visible in flight. Bicoloured bill with blackish maxilla and orange mandible. Female is generally drabber, greener on wings and lacks black on head. Similar spp. Female resembles Emberizoides grass-finches, but its shorter tail is white tipped. Voice Very high-pitched, insect-like prrirítch.
Text account compilers
Stuart, T., Capper, D., Symes, A., Sharpe, C.J., Pople, R.
Clay, R.P., Hesse, C., Brace, R., Lesterhuis, A., Finch, D., del Castillo, H., Herrera, M., Silveira, L.F.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Species factsheet: Black-masked Finch Coryphaspiza melanotis. Downloaded from
https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/factsheet/black-masked-finch-coryphaspiza-melanotis on 16/01/2025.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2025) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from
https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/search on 16/01/2025.