Black-eared Miner Manorina melanotis


Avitabile, S.C., Callister, K.E., Kelly, L.T., Haslem, A., Fraser, L., Nimmo, D.G., Watson, S.J., Kenny, S.A., Taylor, R.S., Spence-Bailey, L.M., Bennett, A.F. 2013. Systematic fire mapping is critical for fire ecology, planning and management: A case study in the semi-arid Murray Mallee, south-eastern Australia. Landscape and Urban Planning 117: 81-91.

Baker-Gabb, D. 2003. Recovery plan for the Black-eared Miner Manorina melanotis 2002–2006: conservation of old-growth dependent mallee fauna. Department for Environment and Heritage, Adelaide.

Baker-Gabb, D. 2007. The Black-eared Miner. A Decade of Recovery. The Black-eared Miner Recovery Team, Melbourne.

Bird, J.P., Martin, R., Akçakaya, H.R., Gilroy, J., Burfield, I.J., Garnett, S.G., Symes, A., Taylor, J., Şekercioğlu, Ç.H. and Butchart, S.H.M. 2020. Generation lengths of the world’s birds and their implications for extinction risk. Conservation Biology 34(5): 1252-1261. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13486.

Boulton, R.L. 2014. Black-eared Miner surveys in the Victorian Mallee 2014; Murray-Sunset National Park, Bronzewing and Annuello Flora and Fauna Reserve, and Hattah-Kulkyne National Park. Report to Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Canberra.

Boulton, R.L. 2019. Black-eared Miner historic and recent distance analysis. Report to Department of Environment and Water, Adelaide.

Boulton, R.L., Clarke, R.H., Verdon, S.J., Hedger, C., Ireland, L., Garnett, S.T. 2021. Black-eared Miner Manorina melanotis. In: Garnett, S.T., Baker G.B. (ed.), The Action Plan for Australian Birds 2020, CSIRO Publishing, 637-640.

Cale, P. 2012. Survey of Black-eared Miners in their critical habitat 2010–12. Report to Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife. Australian Landscape Trust.

Clarke, H., Pitman, A.J., Kala, J., Carouge, C., Haverd, V. and J.P. Evans. 2016. An investigation of future fuel load and fire weather in Australia. Climate Change: 1-15.

Clarke, R. H.; Boulton, R. L.; Clarke, M. F. 2002. Translocation of the socially complex Black-eared Miner Manorina melanotis: a trial using hard and soft release techniques. Pacific Conservation Biology 8(4): 223-234.

Clarke, R. H.; Gordon, I. R.; Clarke, M. F. 2001. Intraspecific phenotype variability in the Black-eared Miner (Manorina melanotis); human-facilitated introgression and the consequences for an endangered taxon. Biological Conservation 99: 145-155.

Clarke, R.H., Stewart, A., Lumb, K. 2008. Assessing the impact of a large bushfire on Black-eared Miner populations within the Bookmark Mallee, SA. Report prepared for SA Department for Environment and Heritage and the National Black-eared Miner Recovery Team.

Clarke, R.H.; Boulton, R. L.; Clarke, M. F. 2005. Estimating population size of the Black-eared Miner, with an assessment of landscape-scale habitat requirements. Pacific Conservation Biology 11: 174-188.

Connell, J., Watson, S.J., Taylor, R.S., Avitabile, S.C., Clarke, R.H., Bennett, A.F., Clarke, M.F. 2017. Testing the effects of a century of fires: Requirements for post-fire succession predict the distribution of threatened bird species. Diversity and Distributions 23: 1078-1089.

Connell. J., Watson, S.J., Taylor, R.S., Avitabile, S.C., Schedvin, N., Schneider, K., Clarke, M.F. 2019. Future fire scenarios: Predicting the effect of fire management strategies on the trajectory of high-quality habitat for threatened species. Biological Conservation 232: 131-141.

Di Virgilio, G., Evans, J.P., Blake, S.A., Armstrong, M., Dowdy, A.J., Sharples, J., McRae, R. 2019. Climate change increases the potential for extreme wildfires. Geophysical Research Letters 46: 8517-8526.

Dowdy, A.J., Ye, H., Pepler, A., Thatcher, M., Osbrough, S.L., Evans, J.P., Di Virgilio, G., McCarthy, N. 2019. Future changes in extreme weather and pyroconvection risk factors for Australian wildfires. Scientific Reports 9: 10073.

Evans, J.P., Argueso, D., Olson, R., Di Luca, A. 2017. Bias-corrected regional climate projections of extreme rainfall in south-east Australia. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 130: 1085-1098.

Ewen, J. G.; Clarke, R. H.; Moysey, E.; Boulton, R. L.; Crozier, R. H.; Clarke, M. F. 2001. Primary sex ratio bias in an endangered cooperatively breeding bird, the black-eared miner, and its implications for conservation. Biological Conservation 101: 137-145.

Fahey, C. 2017. Agricultural Settlement in Victoria's Last Frontier: The Mallee, 1890–1951. Agricultural History 91: 187-214.

Garnett, S.T., Szabo, J.K. and Dutson, G. 2011. The Action Plan for Australian Birds 2010. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood.

Giljohann, K.M., McCarthy, M.A., Keith, D.A., Kelly, L.T., Tozer, M.G., Regan, T.J. 2017. Interactions between rainfall, fire and herbivory drive resprouter vital rates in a semi-arid ecosystem. Journal of Ecology 105: 1562-1570.

Harrington, R. 2002. The effects of artificial watering points on the distribution and abundance of avifauna in an arid and semi-arid mallee environment. University of Melbourne.

Herold, N., Ekström. M., Kala, J., Goldie, J., Evans, J.P. 2018. Australian climate extremes in the 21st century according to a regional climate model ensemble: Implications for health and agriculture. Weather and Climate Extremes 20: 54-68.

IUCN. 2022. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2022-1. Available at: https://www.iucnredlist.org. (Accessed: 21 July 2022).

Raap, T., Van Schoote, G., van Dieren, M., Hedger, C., Kuipers, H. and Weterings, M. 2015. The effect of fire on the habitat use of the Black-eared Miner Manorina melanotis. Ardea 103(1): 79-90.

Further resources

Australian Govt - Action Plan for Australian Birds 2000 - Recovery Outline

Search for photos and videos, and hear sounds of this species from the Macaulay Library

This species has been identified as an Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE) trigger - click here for more information

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Species factsheet: Black-eared Miner Manorina melanotis. Downloaded from https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/factsheet/black-eared-miner-manorina-melanotis on 23/11/2024.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2024) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/search on 23/11/2024.