Family: Alcedinidae (Kingfishers)
Authority: Verreaux, 1866
Red List Category:
Criteria: B1b(iii)
here for more information about the Red List categories and criteria
Justification of Red List categoryThis species is restricted to the twin islands of Biak-Supiori but despite the very small distribution the population size is not suspected to approach thresholds for listing as threatened under Criterion C. The population is suspected to be declining due to an ongoing slow rate of forest cover loss. The extent of occurrence, only 3,600 km
2, indicates that the species may be at risk, although the population is not severely fragmented and there are parts of the range where the main threat is not believed to apply. In conjunction with the very small extent of occurrence, the species is considered to approach the thresholds for listing as threatened, meeting Criterion B1b(iii) but not a second subcriterion. Accordingly, Biak Paradise-kingfisher is assessed as Near Threatened.
Population size:
Population trend:
Extent of occurrence (breeding/resident):
3,600 km
Country endemic:
Land-mass type - oceanic island
Realm - Oceanian
IUCN System - Freshwater
IUCN System - Terrestrial