Justification of Red List category
This species has a very small and severely fragmented range. Away from its strongholds in Arabuko-Sokoke and the East Usambaras, it is found only very locally, even within suitable evergreen forest habitat. Forest clearance and alteration are ongoing over much of its range, and its population and range are therefore presumed to be declining. For these reasons, it is listed as Endangered.
Population justification
The species is known to occur in three areas. Its population in the Brachystegia woodland of Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Kenya, has been estimated at 2,818 individuals (95% CI: 1,739-4,565) in an area of 77 km2 (Davis 2005). The remaining occupied range in the East Usambara and Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania, totals 420 km2 (Dinesen et al. 1993; Evans 1997; Seddon et al. 1999a, b) with the possible population in the Udzungwa Mountains probably numbering 'some hundred' individuals (Dinesen et al. 2001). Its population is therefore inferred to fall within the band 2,500-9,999 individuals. This equates to 1,667-6,666 mature individuals, rounded here to 1,500-7,000 mature individuals.
Trend justification
The species is inferred to be declining, owing to ongoing forest loss across its range. Between 2009-2019, a 3.3% decline in forest cover was recorded (Global Forest Watch 2020). While this species prefers close canopy, it has also been observed outside intact forests, and in degraded forests, suggesting that it can tolerate some habitat degradation. The overall rate of decline is therefore suspected to be in the range of 1-10% over the last three generations.
Hedydipna pallidigaster is found in Arabuko-Sokoke Forest in Kenya and in the East Usambara Mountains in Tanzania. The taxonomic status of similar birds seen in the Udzungwa Mountains (Tanzania) remains uncertain (J. Fjeldså in litt. 2012). In Arabuko-Sokoke in 1999, there were an average of 1.4 birds/km of transect (Davis 2000) in its occupied area of c.67 km2, where the population was estimated at 2,900-4,700 pairs in the 1970s (Britton and Zimmerman 1979). The transect data from 1999 were used to conservatively estimate the population in 77 km2 of Brachystegia woodland at 2,818 individuals (95% CI: 1,739-4,565), possibly indicating a decline since the 1970s, despite a difference in methods between the surveys (Davis 2005). In the East Usambaras, it has been recorded in four areas (totalling 124.5 km2) at 200-1,250 m (Evans 1997; Seddon et al. 1999a,b). In the Udzungwas, birds possibly of this species occur very locally in two areas (totalling 295 km2) at 1,350-1,550 m (Dinesen et al. 1993), are probably absent from the south-western section (Fjeldså 1999), and the population is thought to number 'some hundred' individuals (Dinesen et al. 2001).
It occurs in pairs or family groups, often joining mixed-species flocks (Dinesen et al. 1993; Cordeiro 1998; Seddon et al. 1999a), in the canopy of mature trees in intact Brachystegia forest, often 30-35 m above ground, and in sub-montane evergreen forests in the East Usambara and Udzungwa Mountains (L. Dinesen in litt. 2007). However, it has also been recorded outside intact, unlogged forest, visiting flowers only a few metres above ground in clearings, gardens and very degraded forest (Dinesen et al. 1993; Evans 1997; Seddon et al. 1999a). During surveys in 2006 in the East Usambaras it was found in cultivated areas, including nesting in a Eucalyptus plantation, but was not found further than 800 m from forest (Borghesio et al. 2008). The diet includes nectar (e.g. mistletoes Loranthus and Erythrina), insects and other arthropods (Dinesen et al. 1993; C. Jackson in litt. 1999; Seddon et al. 1999a). Aggressive interactions with Collared Sunbird A. collaris (Seddon et al. 1999a) suggest that competition with this species may contribute to its restricted distribution.
At Arabuko-Sokoke, widespread felling of trees (often illegally) for poles, carving and fuelwood is altering the forest structure and probably having a negative impact on the species, since it shows a significant preference for primary forest here (Fanshawe 1995; Bennun and Njoroge 1999; Davis 2005; Habel et al. 2017). Throughout the East Usambaras, the main threats to forest extent and integrity are clearance for cultivation, excessive pole-cutting, and pit-sawing outside reserves (Evans 1997). Pole-cutting is still ongoing as of 2020 (P. Adhiambo Malaki in litt. 2020). In the Udzungwa Mountains, the forests are considered less threatened, although there have been several illegal logging attempts locally (L. Dinesen in litt. 2007). The species, however, may be able to tolerate some forest degradation (Evans 1997, Seddon et al. 1999b).
Conservation Actions Underway
Arabuko-Sokoke is the focus of a project to promote long-term forest conservation through sustainable management and community participation (Fanshawe 1997). In the East Usambaras, three conservation and development projects are active and the species occurs in three of the focal protected areas (which cover at least 121 km2). Populations possibly of this species in the Udzungwas are relatively well-protected by their isolation, but are also benefited by joint forest management activities, as well as promotion of the extention of Udzungwa Mountains National Park (L. Dinesen in litt. 2007).
9 cm. Small woodland sunbird. At close range, upperparts and head of male are iridescent, deep green. Belly, flanks and vent contrasting white. When agitated, shows red pectoral tufts. Female overall greyish. Similar spp. Female Plain-backed Sunbird A. reichenowi has olive and yellow tones. Voice Song high-pitched jumble of chissick's and other unmusical notes. Contact call seeet seeet. Hints Most reliably and frequently seen at Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Kenya, and around Amani in the East Usambaras, Tanzania.
Text account compilers
Clark, J.
Adhiambo Malaki, P., Borghesio, L., Dinesen, L., Ekstrom, J., Evans, M., Fjeldså, J., Jackson, C., Shutes, S., Starkey, M., Symes, A., Taylor, J., Temple, H. & Westrip, J.R.S.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Species factsheet: Amani Sunbird Hedydipna pallidigaster. Downloaded from
https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/factsheet/amani-sunbird-hedydipna-pallidigaster on 19/01/2025.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2025) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from
https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/search on 19/01/2025.