African Houbara Chlamydotis undulata


Alonso, J.C., Palacín, C. and Abril-Colón, I. 2019. The Lanzarote Population of the African Houbara Chlamydotis undulata fuertaventurae: Census, Sex Ratio, Productivity, and a Proposed New Survey Method. Ardeola 67(1): 69-83.

Azafzaf, H., Sande, E., Evans, S.W., Smart, M. and Collar, N.J. 2005. International action plan for North African Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulata undulata. BirdLife International African Partnership, Nairobi.

Bacon, L. 2017. Etude des paramètres de reproduction et de la dynamique d’une population renforcée d’outardes Houbara nord-africaines (Chlamydotis undulata undulata) au Maroc. PhD Thesis. National Museum of Natural History.

Bacon, L., Robert, A. and Hingrat, Y. 2019. Long lasting breeding performance diferences between wild‑born and released females in a reinforced North African Houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata undulata) population: a matter of release strategy. Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 553-570.

Banos-González, I., Terrer, C., Martínez-Fernández, J., Esteve-Selma, M.A. and Carrascal, L.M. 2016. Dynamic modelling of the potential habitat loss of endangered species: the case of the Canarian houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata fuerteventurae). European Journal of Wildlife Research 62(3): 263-275.

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Berredjouh, D. 2021. Etude des paramètres bioécologiques liés à la fluctuation dans la dynamique des populations d’Outarde houbara chlamydotis undulata undulata Jaquin, 1784 dans les régions Besbes, Ouled Djalel et Ras El Miaad (wilaya de Biskra). Université de Mustapha Ben Boulaid-Batna 2.

Berredjouh, D., Belhamra M., Farhi, Y. and Naloufi, A. 2016. Régime alimentaire d’Outarde houbara (Chlamydotis undulata undulata) dans les régions besbes, ouled djellal et ras elmiaad (Wilaya de Biskra). International Journal of Kannada Research 2(3): 1-6.

Bird, J.P., Martin, R., Akçakaya, H.R., Gilroy, J., Burfield, I.J., Garnett, S.G., Symes, A., Taylor, J., Şekercioğlu, Ç.H. and Butchart, S.H.M. 2020. Generation lengths of the world’s birds and their implications for extinction risk. Conservation Biology 34(5): 1252-1261. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13486.

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Carrascal, L.M., Palomino, D., Seoane, J. and Alonso, C.L. 2008. Habitat use and population density of the houbara bustard Chlamydotis undulata in Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Afr. J. Ecol. 46: 291-302.

Carrascal, L.M., Seoane, J., Palomino, D. and Alonso, C.L. 2006. Habitat preferences, population size and demographic trends of houbara bustard Chlamydotis undulata in Lanzarote and La Graciosa (Canary Islands). Ardeola 53(2): 251-269.

Chammem, M.; Selmi, S.; Khorchani, T.; Nouira, S. 2012. Using a capture-recapture approach for modelling the detectability and distribution of Houbara Bustard in southern Tunisia. Bird Conservation International 22: 288-298.

Collar, N.J. 1979. The world status of the Houbara: a preliminary review. In: Coles, C.L.; Collar, N.J. (ed.), Symposium papers: the Great Bustard (Otis tarda), Sofia, Bulgaria, May 26th, 1978 [and] the Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata), Athens, Greece, May 24th 1979, pp. 12. The Game Conservancy, Fordingbridge, U.K.

de Colsa, J.M., Garcés, F., Schuster, C. and Carrascal, J.F. 2022. Hubara canaria: Sin buenas noticias tras casi treinta años de censos. Quercus 431: 12-19.

Dolman, P.M., Burnside, R.J., Scotland, K.M. and Collar, N.J. 2021. Captive breeding and the conservation of the threatened houbara bustards. Endangered Species Research 46: 161-173.

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Gaucher, P., Paillat, P., Chappuis, C., Saint Jalme, M., Lotfikhah, F. and Wink, M. 1996. Taxonomy of the Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulata subspecies considered on the basis of sexual display and genetic divergence. Ibis 138: 273-282.

Geary, M., Cooper, J.R. and Collar, N.J. 2022. Anthropogenic influences on habitat use by African houbaras Chlamydotis undulata on Lanzarote, Canary. Journal for Nature Conservation 68: 126231.

Goriup, P. 1997. The world status of the Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulata. Bird Conservation International 7: 373-397.

Hardouin, L.A., Hingrat, Y., Nevoux, M., Lacroix, F. and Robert, A. 2015. Survival and movement of translocated houbara bustards in a mixed conservation area. Animal Conservation 18(5): 461-470.

Horreo, J.L., Ucero, A., Palacín, C., López-Solano, A., Abril-Colón, I., and Alonso, J.C. 2023. Human decimation caused bottleneck effect, genetic drift, and inbreeding in the Canarian houbara bustard. Journal of Wildlife Management 87: e22342.

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IUCN. 2023. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2023-1. Available at: (Accessed: 07 December 2023).

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Lacroix, F., Seabury, J., Al Bowardi, M. and Renaud, J. 2003. The Emirates Center for Wildlife Propagation: comprehensive strategy to secure self-sustaining wild populations of houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata undulata) in Eastern Morocco. Houbara News 5: 60–62.

Lesobre, L., Lacroix, F., Caizergues, A., Hingrat, Y., Chalah, T. and Saint Jalme, M. 2010. Conservation genetics of Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata undulata): population structure and its implications for the reinforcement of wild populations. Conservation Genetics 11(4): 1489-1497.

Lorenzo, J.A., González, C., Hernández, M.A. and Delgado, J.D. 2007. La Avutarda Hubara en España: población en 2004-2006 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife, Madrid.

Lowen, J. 2007. Price of power. World Birdwatch 29(4): 18-21.

Martí, R. and del Moral, J.C. 2003. Atlas de las aves reproductoras de España. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Española de Ornithología, Madrid.

Martín, A. and Lorenzo, J.A. 2001. Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor, La Laguna.

Martín, A., Lorenzo, J.A., Hernández, M.A., Nogales, M., Medina, F.M., Delgado, J.D., Naranjo, J.J., Quilis, V. and Delgado, G. 1997. Distribution, status and conservation of the Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulata fuertaventurae Rothschild & Hartert, 1894, in the Canary Islands, November-December 1994. Ardeola 44: 61-69.

Michler, I. 2009. Lifting the veil: wake-up call to counter covert hunting threat. Africa - Birds & Birding 14(3): 58-62.

Monnier‐Corbel, A., Monnet, A. C., Hingrat, Y. and Robert, A. 2022. Patterns of abundance reveal evidence of translocation and climate effects on Houbara bustard population recovery. Animal Conservation 25(2): 297-310.

Rabier, R., Robert, A., Lacroix, F. and Lesobre, L. 2020. Genetic assessment of a conservation breeding program of the houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata undulata) in Morocco, based on pedigree and molecular analyses. Zoo Biology, 39(6): 422-435.

Sangster, G. 1996. Trends in systematics: taxonomy of Houbara and Macqueen's Bustards and neglest of intraspecific diversity. Dutch Birding 18: 248-256.

Sangster, G., Hazevoet, C.J., Van den Berg, A.B., Roselaar, C.S. and Sluys, R. 1999. Dutch avifaunal list: species concepts, taxonomic instability, and taxonomic changes in 1977-1998. Ardea 87: 139-165.

Schuster, C., Iglesias-Lebrija, J.J. and Carrascal, L.M. 2012. Recent population trends of the houbara bustard in the Canary Islands. Methods and conservation status. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 35: 125–139.

Sibley, C.G. and Monroe, B.L. 1990. Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World. Yale University Press, New Haven, USA.

Sibley, C.G. and Monroe, B.L. 1993. A supplement to 'Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World'. Yale University Press, New Haven, USA.

Snow, D.W. and Perrins, C.M. 1998. The Birds of the Western Palearctic, Volume 1: Non-Passerines. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Ucero, A., Abril-Colón, I., Palacín, C. and Alonso, J.C. 2021. Status and conservation of the Houbara Bustard in the Canary Islands. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion. Available at:

Further resources

IUCN SSC Bustard Specialist Group

Detailed species account from European Red List of Birds (BirdLife International 2015)

Search for photos and videos, and hear sounds of this species from the Macaulay Library

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Species factsheet: African Houbara Chlamydotis undulata. Downloaded from on 13/01/2025.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2025) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from on 13/01/2025.