Improving management of protected areas for biodiversity and ecosystem services

Researchers at Llanganates National Park in Ecuador © Aves y Conservación

Using TESSA, Aves y Conservación (BirdLife in Ecuador) have assessed the impact of land-uses—especially cattle grazing—on the delivery of ecosystem services at Llanganates National Park in Ecuador (an IBA and Ramsar wetland of international importance). The National Park authorities are now working with Aves y Conservación to explore removing cattle, with the agreement of cattle ranchers, and supporting alternative livelihoods opportunities.

Using TESSA, Aves y Conservación (BirdLife in Ecuador) have assessed the impact of land-uses—especially cattle grazing—on the delivery of ecosystem services at Llanganates National Park in Ecuador (an IBA and Ramsar wetland of international importance).

Four ecosystem services were considered: global climate regulation, water provision (for human consumption, irrigation, and hydroelectricity), grass for livestock grazing, and nature-based tourism. The assessment found that if grazing of the park continued under ‘business as usual’, carbon storage would be reduced by 14% (a loss of US $45 million in total carbon storage), and nature-based tourism was projected to decrease by 68%, with the total value estimated to reduce by US$ 20,000 per year. The overall impact of grazing was therefore negative in terms of the value of services provided.

The National Park authorities are now working with Aves y Conservación to explore removing cattle, with the agreement of cattle ranchers, and supporting alternative livelihoods opportunities. Other protected area authorities and the national government have taken notice of the results and are promoting the approach at other sites.

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Compiled: 2014    Copyright: 2014   

Recommended Citation:
BirdLife International (2014) Improving management of protected areas for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Downloaded from on 15/01/2025