Île Foch, Île Sainte Lanne Gramont and Île Howe

Country/territory: French Southern Territories
Central coordinates (latitude / longitude): 49°00'00"S (-49.0000°) / 069°15'00"E (69.2500°)
Area (reported): 48,000 hectares / 480.00 km2 / 118,611 acres / 185.33 square miles
Area (GIS-derived): 54,218 hectares / 542.18 km2 / 133,976 acres / 209.34 square miles
Altitude: 0–687 m (0–2,254 ft)

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Île Foch, Île Sainte Lanne Gramont and Île Howe (French Southern Territories). Downloaded fromîle-foch-île-sainte-lanne-gramont-and-île-howe-iba-french-southern-territories on 22/12/2024.