West Lunga National Park and Lukwakwa Game Management Area

Country/territory: Zambia
Central coordinates (latitude / longitude): 12°49'59"S (-12.8333°) / 024°30'00"E (24.5000°)
Area (reported): 445,000 hectares / 4,450.00 km2 / 1,099,619 acres / 1,718.15 square miles
Area (GIS-derived): 438,604 hectares / 4,386.04 km2 / 1,083,814 acres / 1,693.46 square miles
Altitude: 1100–1400 m (3,608–4,592 ft)

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: West Lunga National Park and Lukwakwa Game Management Area (Zambia). Downloaded from on 22/12/2024.