
E. Schreiber and David S. Lee (eds.), Status and Conservation of West Indian Seabirds Society of Caribbean Ornithology, Special Publication Number 1, 2000. Sorrié, Bruce A. Observations of the birds of Weques Island, Puerto Rico. Caribbean Journal of Science., 15 (1-2). Pag. 89. June, 1975 USFWS. Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre de Vieques. Borrador del Plan Abarcador de Conservación y Declaración de Impacto Ambiental. Octubre 2006. USFWS. Vieques National Wildlife Refuge. Pdf web

Further resources

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Vieques (Puerto Rico (to USA)). Downloaded from on 23/12/2024.