The site was identified as internationally important for bird conservation in 2002 because it was regularly supporting significant populations of the species listed below, meeting IBA criteria.
Species |
Red List |
Season (year/s of estimate) |
Size |
IBA criteria |
Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus |
LC |
winter (1990–2000) |
130–197 individuals |
C2, C6 |
Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula |
LC |
passage (1990–2000) |
2,700–3,056 individuals |
B1i, C3 |
Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina |
LC |
breeding (1990–2000) |
100–150 breeding pairs |
B2 |
Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina |
LC |
passage (1990–2000) |
5,500–10,803 individuals |
A4i, B1i, C3 |
Common Pochard Aythya ferina |
VU |
passage (1990–2000) |
32,000–44,450 individuals |
A4i, B1i, C3 |
Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca |
NT |
breeding (1995) |
1 breeding pairs |
C6 |
Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula |
LC |
passage (1990–2000) |
34,000–53,672 individuals |
A4i, B1i, C3 |
Northern Shoveler Spatula clypeata |
LC |
passage (1990–2000) |
2,100–3,846 individuals |
B1i, C3 |
Gadwall Mareca strepera |
LC |
passage (1990–2000) |
6,500–11,667 individuals |
A4i, B1i, C3 |
Northern Pintail Anas acuta |
LC |
non-breeding (1990–2000) |
550–983 individuals |
B1i, C3 |
Common Teal Anas crecca |
LC |
passage (1990–2000) |
4,200–11,000 individuals |
B1i, C3 |
Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis |
LC |
non-breeding (1990–2000) |
700–1,102 individuals |
A4i, B1i, C3 |
Spotted Crake Porzana porzana |
LC |
breeding (1990–2000) |
5–15 breeding pairs |
C6 |
Spotted Crake Porzana porzana |
LC |
passage (1993–2000) |
20 individuals |
C6 |
Little Crake Zapornia parva |
LC |
breeding (1990–2000) |
3 breeding pairs |
C6 |
Eurasian Coot Fulica atra |
LC |
non-breeding (1990–2000) |
47,070 individuals |
A4i, B1i, C3 |
Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris |
LC |
breeding (1990–2000) |
1 breeding pairs |
C6 |
Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris |
LC |
passage (1993–2000) |
9 individuals |
C6 |
Common Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus |
LC |
breeding (1990–2000) |
5–7 breeding pairs |
C6 |
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax |
LC |
breeding (1990–2000) |
1 breeding pairs |
C6 |
Great White Egret Ardea alba |
LC |
passage (1993–2000) |
9 individuals |
C6 |
Ruff Calidris pugnax |
LC |
non-breeding (1990–2000) |
537 individuals |
C6 |
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola |
LC |
passage (1990–2000) |
80 individuals |
C6 |
Black Tern Chlidonias niger |
LC |
passage (1993–2000) |
200 individuals |
C2, C6 |
Common Tern Sterna hirundo |
LC |
breeding (1990–2000) |
67 breeding pairs |
C6 |
Western Marsh-harrier Circus aeruginosus |
LC |
breeding (1990–2000) |
3–5 breeding pairs |
C6 |
Western Marsh-harrier Circus aeruginosus |
LC |
passage (1993–2000) |
10 individuals |
C6 |
Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus |
LC |
winter (1990–2000) |
32 individuals |
C6 |
Black Kite Milvus migrans |
LC |
breeding (1993–2000) |
10–30 breeding pairs |
C6 |
A4iii Species group - waterbirds |
n/a |
non-breeding (1990–2000) |
48,857–49,692 individuals |
A4iii, C4 |
A4iii Species group - waterbirds |
n/a |
passage (1991–2000) |
87,318–138,812 individuals |
A4iii, C4 |