Umlalazi Nature Reserve

IBA Justification

The site was identified as important in 1998 because it was regularly supporting significant populations of the species listed below, meeting ('triggering') IBA criteria.

Populations meeting IBA criteria ('trigger species') at the site:
Species Red List1 Season Year(s) Size IBA criteria
Corncrake Crex crex LC winter - present A1
Southern Banded Snake-eagle Circaetus fasciolatus NT resident 1998 present A3
Mangrove Kingfisher Halcyon senegaloides LC resident 1998 present A3
Gorgeous Bushshrike Telophorus viridis LC resident 1998 present A3
Black-bellied Starling Notopholia corusca LC resident 1998 present A3
Spotted Ground-thrush Geokichla guttata VU non-breeding - present A1
Mouse-coloured Sunbird Cyanomitra verreauxii LC resident 1998 present A3

1. The current IUCN Red List category. The category at the time of the IBA criteria assessment (1998) may differ.

IBA Conservation

Ideally the conservation status of the IBA will have been checked regularly since the site was first identified in 1998. The most recent assessment (2014) is shown below.

IBA conservation assessment
Year of assessment State Pressure Response
2014 unfavourable medium medium
Whole site assessed? State assessed by Accuracy of information
yes habitat medium

State (condition of the trigger species' habitats)
Habitat Quantity (% remaining) Quality (% carrying capacity) Result
Grassland moderate (70-90%) moderate (70-90%) unfavourable
Marine Coastal/Supratidal moderate (70-90%) moderate (70-90%) unfavourable
Marine Intertidal good (> 90%) moderate (70-90%) near favourable
Forest good (> 90%) moderate (70-90%) near favourable

Pressure (threats to the trigger species and/or their habitats)
Threat Timing Scope Severity Result
Biological resource use happening now some of area/population (10-49%) slow but significant deterioration medium
Human intrusions and disturbance happening now some of area/population (10-49%) slow but significant deterioration medium
Invasive and other problematic species and genes happening now some of area/population (10-49%) slow but significant deterioration medium
Energy production and mining likely in short term (within 4 years) small area/few individuals (<10%) moderate to rapid deterioration low
Agricultural expansion and intensification likely in long term (beyond 4 years) small area/few individuals (<10%) slow but significant deterioration low
Residential and commercial development happening now small area/few individuals (<10%) slow but significant deterioration low
Pollution happening now small area/few individuals (<10%) slow but significant deterioration low
Transportation and service corridors happening now small area/few individuals (<10%) no or imperceptible deterioration low
Natural system modifications happening now some of area/population (10-49%) no or imperceptible deterioration low

Response (conservation actions taken for the trigger species and/or their habitats)
Protected areas Management plan Other action Result
Whole area of site (>90%) covered by appropriate conservation designation A management plan exists but it is out of date or not comprehensive Substantive conservation measures are being implemented but these are not comprehensive and are limited by resources and capacity medium

IBA Protection

Year Protected Area Designation % overlap with IBA
1948 Umlalazi Nature Reserve Nature Reserve 100


Habitat1 Habitat detail % of IBA
Forest Mangrove, Lowland forest - dry evergreen 81
Grassland 6
Marine Coastal/Supratidal minor (<10)
Marine Intertidal minor (<10)
1. IUCN Habitat classification.

Land use

Land use % of IBA
nature conservation and research 100

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Umlalazi Nature Reserve (South Africa). Downloaded from on 23/11/2024.