Ubinskoye Lake

IBA Justification

The site was identified as important in 2006 because it was regularly supporting significant populations of the species listed below, meeting ('triggering') IBA criteria.

Populations meeting IBA criteria ('trigger species') at the site:
Species Red List1 Season Year(s) Size IBA criteria
Greylag Goose Anser anser LC passage 2001-2004 2,500-3,000 individuals A4i
Bean Goose Anser fabalis LC passage 2001-2004 4,500-5,000 individuals A4i
Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula LC passage 2004 500 individuals A4i
Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus LC breeding 2004 300 breeding pairs A4i
Corncrake Crex crex LC breeding 1994-2004 20-35 breeding pairs A1
Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa NT breeding 1994-2004 450-500 breeding pairs A4i
A4iii Species group - waterbirds n/a passage 1994-2004 min 20,000 individuals A4iii

1. The current IUCN Red List category. The category at the time of the IBA criteria assessment (2006) may differ.

IBA Protection

Year Protected Area Designation % overlap with IBA
2003 Ubinsky priozerny komplex Nature Monument 6
2003 Ubinsky ozerno-bolotny landshaft Nature Monument 5


Habitat1 Habitat detail % of IBA
Wetlands (inland) 65
Artificial/Terrestrial 10
Forest 8
Grassland 5
Shrubland 3
1. IUCN Habitat classification.

Land use

Land use % of IBA
hunting 70
fisheries/aquaculture 51
agriculture 15
not utilised 10
forestry 5
urban/industrial/transport 1

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Ubinskoye Lake (Russia (Central Asian)). Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.