The site was identified as important in 2000 because it was regularly supporting significant populations of the species listed below, meeting ('triggering') IBA criteria.
Populations meeting IBA criteria ('trigger species') at the site:Species | Red List1 | Season | Year(s) | Size | IBA criteria |
Rock Partridge Alectoris graeca | NT | resident | 1996 | frequent | B2 |
Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus | EN | breeding | 1997 | 5 breeding pairs | B2, C6 |
Short-toed Snake-eagle Circaetus gallicus | LC | breeding | - | 4-10 breeding pairs | C6 |
Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos | LC | resident | - | 2-3 breeding pairs | C6 |
Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax | LC | resident | 1997 | uncommon | B2, C6 |
Yellow-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus | LC | resident | 1997 | 700 breeding pairs | A3 |
Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria | LC | resident | - | present | A3 |
Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush Monticola saxatilis | LC | breeding | 1997 | frequent | B2 |
Alpine Accentor Prunella collaris | LC | resident | - | present | A3 |
White-winged Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis | LC | resident | - | present | A3 |
1. The current IUCN Red List category. The category at the time of the IBA criteria assessment (2000) may differ.
Year | Protected Area | Designation | % overlap with IBA |
1973 | Vikos-Aoos | Ethnikos Drymos (perifereiaki zoni) | 18 |
1973 | Vikos-Aoos | Ethnikos Drymos (pirinas) | 23 |
1985 | Parletzi--Avalos/Vrisochoriou--Hliochoriou | Game Refuge | 7 |
1986 | Charadra Aoou (Konitsas-Eleftherou-Papigkou) | Katafygio Agrias Zois | 7 |
1986 | Valia Kyrna (Samarinas) | Katafygio Agrias Zois | 3 |
1986 | Charadras Aoou/Konitsas--Eleftherou-Papigou | Game Refuge | 7 |
1989 | Pades | Katafygio Agrias Zois | 4 |
1989 | Padon | Game Refuge | 4 |
1993 | Papigko | Katafygio Agrias Zois | 2 |
1993 | Kedros-Papigou | Game Refuge | 2 |
1994 | Ethnikos Drymos Vikou - Aoou | Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) | 23 |
1995 | Koryfes Orous Smolikas | Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) | 36 |
1995 | Kentriko Tmima Zagoriou | Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) | 5 |
2001 | Koryfes Orous Smolikas | Special Protection Area (Birds Directive) | 36 |
2002 | Oros Tymfi (Gkamila) | Special Protection Area (Birds Directive) | 50 |
2004 | Iliochoriou - Vrysochoriou Dimou Tymfis | Katafygio Agrias Zois | 8 |
2005 | Ethniko Parko Pindou | Ethniko Parko | 88 |
2005 | Zones Ia, Ib kai Ic Ethnikou Parkou Pindou | Periochi prostasias tis fysis se ethniko parko | 17 |
2005 | Perifereiakes zones P1, P2, P3 kai P4 Ethnikou Parkou Pindou | Periferiaki zoni Ethnikou Parkou | 8 |
Habitat1 | Habitat detail | % of IBA |
Forest | Broadleaved deciduous woodland, Native coniferous woodland, Mixed woodland | 60 |
Grassland | Alpine, subalpine and boreal grassland, Mesophile grasslands | 25 |
Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks) | Scree & boulders, Inland cliffs | 10 |
Shrubland | Scrub | 5 |
Land use | % of IBA |
agriculture | 80 |
forestry | 40 |
tourism/recreation | 20 |
water management | 5 |
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Tymfi (Gkamila) and Smolikas mountains (Greece). Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.