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Site description (2008 baseline):
Site location and context
The Lakes (Western Australia) IBA supports at least 1% of the non-breeding population of the endangered Baudin's Black-Cockatoo and smaller numbers of the endangered Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo. The IBA boundaries are defined by native vegetation within a 6 km foraging radius of non-breeding season roost sites for Baudin’s Black-Cockatoo in the outer Darling Range in south-west Western Australia. Foraging distance has been determined by research undertaken by the WA Museum (T. Kirkby, Western Australian Museum, pers. comm. 2009). The IBA consists of all native vegetation greater than 1 ha on private land, water catchment areas, state forests, nature reserves and other reserves. Pasture, crops, non-native plants, weed species and orchards are excluded from the IBA. The one-hectare minimum native vegetation criterion has been determined by experts in a consultation process undertaken by the Australian Government (C. Gole pers. comm. 2009). The area has a Mediterranean climate.
The biome-restricted species Western Rosella has been recorded once during periodic monitoring surveys of this IBA (T. Kirkby, Western Australian Museum, pers. comm. 2009).
Non-bird biodiversity: This large IBA is likely to contain a number of other threatened flora and fauna. Details of these are available from the Department of Environment and Conservation, Threatened Species and Communities Branch.
Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
Control of feral European Honeybee (DEC 2008).
Conservation responses/actions for key biodiversity
For a number of years, a research and monitoring project has been conducted by the Western Australian Museum to document the distribution and movements of Baudin's Black-Cockatoo in the non-breeding season and the breeding and ecology of Forest Red-tailed Cockatoo (
Calyptorhynchus banksii naso). Incidental records of Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo have been obtained in the course of this project.
The IBA overlaps with two protected areas.
Privately owned farms; state forest and nature reserves (Department of Environment and Conservation).
Site access / Land-owner requests
Access to private land and areas with restricted access must be arranged with individual land-holders.
Cheryl Gole (WWF-Australia and Birds Australia Western Australia) prepared the nomination. Kellie Mantle (Department of Environment and Conservation) provided mapping assistance. The Forest Cockatoos Recovery Team (Department of Environment and Conservation) provided input on thresholds for Baudin's Black-Cockatoo. Tony Kirkby and Ron Johnstone (Western Australian Museum) provided invaluable advice, support and data.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: The Lakes (Western Australia) (Australia). Downloaded from on 25/11/2024.