Tee Cay, Goat Cay and Long Rocks

Country/territory: Bahamas
Central coordinates (latitude / longitude): 24°35'25"N (24.5905°) / 075°50'17"W (-75.8383°)
Area (reported): 820 hectares / 8.20 km2 / 2,026 acres / 3.17 square miles
Area (GIS-derived): 824 hectares / 8.24 km2 / 2,036 acres / 3.18 square miles
Altitude: 0–1 m (0–3 ft)

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Tee Cay, Goat Cay and Long Rocks (Bahamas). Downloaded from on 20/12/2024.