
Site description (2000 baseline):

Site location and context
A rather low mountain in the south-easternmost part of the country, through which the Veleka and Resovska rivers flow. The mountain is covered by mature broadleaved forests and pastures. Natural forest of Fagus predominates, although Quercus is common in higher areas. Mediterranean grassland and shrubland are widespread. Alluvial forests occur mainly at the river-mouths and are dominated by Fraxinus, with dense Salix and Alnus. Temporarily flooded areas along the rivers are overgrown with aquatic vegetation. Land-uses are forestry, hunting and extensive cultivation and stock-rearing.

Key biodiversity
This is one of the most important breeding areas in the country for Ciconia nigra, for raptors such as Neophron percnopterus, Circaetus gallicus, Aquila pomarina, Aquila chrysaetos, Hieraaetus pennatus and Bubo bubo, and for forest species such as Picus canus, Dendrocopos medius and Ficedula semitorquata. The mountain is also a major migratory bottleneck site, where more than 33,000 Ciconia ciconia pass overhead each autumn. Species of global conservation concern that do not meet IBA criteria: Phalacrocorax pygmeus (common on passage), Pelecanus crispus (common on passage), Crex crex (occurs on passage).

Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
Intensive tourism along the Black Sea coast during the past seven years has led to destruction of alluvial forests. There are several projects for the construction of reservoirs on the Veleka river, possibly disturbing the water regime. People often destroy nests of raptors, their eggs and chicks when cutting trees. Uncontrolled hunting and fisheries, and unsustainable forest management, are also problems. The IBA is designated as a National Park, comprising five Strict Reserves with Buffer Zones, 12 Protected Landscapes and five Nature Monuments. The management plan for the National Park was prepared by the Ministry of Environment under the Bulgarian-Swiss Biodiversity Conservation Programme.

Protected areas
National High International Low116,136 ha of IBA covered by National Park (Strandja, 116,136 ha). 390 ha of IBA covered by Nature Reserve (Silkossia, 390 ha). 608 ha of IBA covered by Nature Reserve (Sredoka, 608 ha). 749 ha of IBA covered by Nature Reserve (Tissovitsa, 749 ha). 2,582 ha of IBA covered by Nature Reserve (Uzunbodzak, 2,582 ha). 1,112 ha of IBA covered by Nature Reserve (Vitanovo, 1,112 ha). 22 ha of IBA covered by National Monument (Bratanova pestera, 22 ha). 5 ha of IBA covered by National Monument (Elenina Dupka, 5 ha). 19 ha of IBA covered by National Monument (Konadzika, 19 ha). 8 ha of IBA covered by National Monument (Pesterata, 8 ha). 15 ha of IBA covered by National Monument (Piren, 15 ha). 52 ha of IBA covered by Protected Landscape (Bosna, 52 ha). 5 ha of IBA covered by Protected Landscape (Dokuzak, 5 ha). 7 ha of IBA covered by Protected Landscape (Dupkata, 7 ha). 19 ha of IBA covered by Protected Landscape (Kalkata, 19 ha). 109 ha of IBA covered by Protected Landscape (Krivinizovo, 109 ha). 47 ha of IBA covered by Protected Landscape (Marina Reka, 47 ha). 103 ha of IBA covered by Protected Landscape (Moryane, 103 ha). 989 ha of IBA covered by Protected Landscape (Paroria, 989 ha). 15 ha of IBA covered by Protected Landscape (Rudenovo, 15 ha). 773 ha of IBA covered by Protected Landscape (Silistar, 773 ha). 1,546 ha of IBA covered by Protected Landscape (Veleka, 1,546 ha). 1,511 ha of IBA covered by Protected Landscape (Veleka Mouth, 1,511 ha). 91 ha of IBA covered by Buffer Zone (Silkossia, 91 ha). 160 ha of IBA covered by Buffer Zone (Sredoka, 160 ha). 502 ha of IBA covered by Buffer Zone (Tissovitsa, 502 ha). 488 ha of IBA covered by Buffer Zone (Uzunbodzak, 488 ha). 185 ha of IBA covered by Buffer Zone (Vitanovo, 185 ha). 2,575 ha of IBA covered by Biosphere Reserve (Uzunbodzak, 2,575 ha).

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Strandzha (Bulgaria). Downloaded from on 19/01/2025.