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Site description (2002 baseline):
Site location and context
The site is Europe's largest complex of natural floodplain fen mires. The significant size of the area contributes to the relative stability of its ecosystems, which, to a large degree, are independent of outside impacts.
Sporovo fen mire is a key habitat for the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler
Acrocephalus paludicola, supporting 9% of the global population. It supports 20 more bird species listed in the National Red Data Book, including two disappearing ones, Corncrake
Crex crex and Great Snipe Gallinago media, as well as an internationally important population of Bittern
Botaurus stellaris and nationally important breeding populations of Black Stork
Ciconia nigra. The site hosts a total of 123 bird species.
Non-bird biodiversity: The floodplain of the Yaselda river has a unique but not very diverse flora. High flora diversity is only observed on mineral islands; these, however, are few and in most cases transformed by people. 18 protected and 13 regionally important plant species occur. One of the unique Atlantic communities, Corynephoretum canescentis, is found here.Rare Red Data Book fauna includes one reptile species (Fresh-water Turtle Emys orbicularis) and 18 insect species (two of which are listed in the European Red Data Book).
The Yaselda river, with its meandering and overgrown channel, crosses the centre of the zakaznik. The floodplain, which is 0.5-2 km wide, is a typical fen mire. The centre of the zakaznik is occupied by Sporovskoie Lake. Most of the site is covered by open fens (43.2%). Fens with a mosaic of shrubs cover 17.9% of the site, shrubs cover 4.1%. There are numerous small hills and low mineral islands scattered across the zakaznik. In the past, these mineral islands were covered by oak and pine woods. Eventually the forests were cut, and the islands were used as agricultural fields and pastures. Today most agricultural fields of the zakaznik are abandoned and the natural vegetation is re-generating. The zakaznik is used for hay-making and cattle pasturing (10-15% of the area), forestry, hunting and fishing. Arable and grain crops are grown on drained lands adjacent to the zakaznik.
Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
Disturbances in the hydrological regime of the Yaselda river undermine the condition of the ecosystems and reduce the biodiversity in the zakaznik. The Selets fishfarm and its water reservoir result in either inundation or severe droughts on the mire, which leads to destruction of nests, quicker negative vegetation successions, spring fires, overgrowth of the river channel and lakes, and changes in the flora and fauna.
Water pollution by heavy metals, pesticides, and organic wastes is a serious threat.
Arable farming on mineral islands is a threat to many rare plant species.
Cessation of hand hay-making is the main cause of encroachment of shrubs on open fens.
Burning of vegetation in spring by local people causes substantial damages to the biodiversity, particularly in years with a dry spring when floods are absent. In that case, fires completely destroy plant roots and insects. Most birds abandon such burned tracts and do not breed there.
National Conservation Status: A national biological zakaznik "Sporovski" in its contemporary borders was established in 1999. International Conservation Status: An IBA was established in 1998 (code BY 002-003, criteria A1, Â2, Â3).Sporovo is the first Ramsar site for Belarus, established in 1999 (criteria 1, 2).
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Sporaŭskaje balota (Belarus). Downloaded fromŭskaje-balota-iba-belarus on 22/11/2024.