Skadar Lake This is an IBA in Danger! 

IBA Justification

The site was identified as important in 2023 because it was regularly supporting significant populations of the species listed below, meeting ('triggering') IBA criteria.

Populations meeting IBA criteria ('trigger species') at the site:
Species Red List1 Season Year(s) Size IBA criteria
Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula LC passage 2016-2019 1,818-3,000 individuals B3a, C3
Common Pochard Aythya ferina VU passage 2016-2019 10,000 individuals A1, B1b, B3a, C1, C3
Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca NT passage 2016-2019 1,035 individuals B1a, B1b, B3a, C1, C2, C6
Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus LC resident 2016-2019 12,561 individuals A4, B3a, C2, C6
Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis LC resident 2016-2019 5,000 individuals B3a, C3
European Turtle-dove Streptopelia turtur VU breeding 2016-2019 164-329 breeding pairs A1, C1
Eurasian Coot Fulica atra LC resident 2016-2019 60,856-160,000 individuals A4, B1b, B3a, C2, C3
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus LC breeding 2016-2019 60-80 breeding pairs C6
Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris LC resident 2016-2019 25-40 breeding pairs C6
Common Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus LC breeding 2016-2019 40-80 breeding pairs C6
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax LC breeding 2016-2019 15-20 breeding pairs C6
Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides LC breeding 2016 80-120 breeding pairs B1b, C6
Purple Heron Ardea purpurea LC breeding 2016-2019 5-10 breeding pairs C6
Great White Egret Ardea alba LC resident 2016-2019 363-600 individuals C6
Little Egret Egretta garzetta LC resident 2016-2019 80-120 breeding pairs C6
Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus NT resident 2016-2019 150-241 individuals A4, B1a, B1b, B3a, C1, C2, C6
Pygmy Cormorant Microcarbo pygmaeus LC passage 2016-2019 11,800 individuals A4, B2a, B3a, C2, C6
Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo LC resident 2016-2019 10,000-20,000 individuals B3a, C3
Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus NT winter 2016-2019 271-1,000 individuals B1a, C1
Ruff Calidris pugnax LC passage 2016-2019 90 individuals C6
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida LC resident 2016-2019 1,200-1,500 breeding pairs B3a, C2, C6
Common Tern Sterna hirundo LC breeding 2016-2019 50-100 breeding pairs C6
Western Marsh-harrier Circus aeruginosus LC resident 2016-2019 20-30 breeding pairs C6
Levant Sparrowhawk Accipiter brevipes LC breeding 2016-2019 15-20 breeding pairs B1b, C6
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis LC breeding 2016-2019 30-50 breeding pairs C6
Syrian Woodpecker Dendrocopos syriacus LC breeding 2016-2019 50-100 breeding pairs C6
Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus VU passage 2016-2019 20 individuals C6
Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor LC breeding 2016-2019 20-25 breeding pairs C6
Greater Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla LC breeding 2016-2019 1-10 breeding pairs C6
A4iii Species group - waterbirds n/a winter 2016-2019 116,722-226,195 individuals B3b, C4

1. The current IUCN Red List category. The category at the time of the IBA criteria assessment (2023) may differ.

IBA Conservation

Ideally the conservation status of the IBA will have been checked regularly since the site was first identified in 2023. The most recent assessment (2019) is shown below.

IBA conservation assessment
Year of assessment State Pressure Response
2019 favourable very high medium
Whole site assessed? State assessed by Accuracy of information
yes habitat good

State (condition of the trigger species' habitats)
Habitat Quantity (% remaining) Quality (% carrying capacity) Result
Wetlands (inland) - good (> 90%) favourable

Pressure (threats to the trigger species and/or their habitats)
Threat Timing Scope Severity Result
Human intrusions and disturbance likely in short term (within 4 years) whole area/population (>90%) very rapid to severe deterioration very high
Climate change and severe weather likely in long term (beyond 4 years) whole area/population (>90%) slow but significant deterioration medium
Pollution likely in long term (beyond 4 years) some of area/population (10-49%) slow but significant deterioration medium
Transportation and service corridors likely in long term (beyond 4 years) some of area/population (10-49%) slow but significant deterioration medium

Response (conservation actions taken for the trigger species and/or their habitats)
Protected areas Management plan Other action Result
Whole area of site (>90%) covered by appropriate conservation designation A management plan exists but it is out of date or not comprehensive Some limited conservation initiatives are in place medium

IBA Protection

Year Protected Area Designation % overlap with IBA
1983 Skadarsko jezero Nacionalni park 100
1995 Skadarsko Jezero Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance 50


Habitat1 Habitat detail % of IBA
Wetlands (inland) Standing freshwater, Rivers and streams, Water fringe vegetation 67
Artificial/Terrestrial Other urban and industrial areas, Arable land 15
Forest Broadleaved evergreen woodland, Mixed woodland 13
Grassland Humid grasslands 4
1. IUCN Habitat classification.

Land use

Land use % of IBA
agriculture -
fisheries/aquaculture -
urban/industrial/transport -
hunting -
nature conservation and research -
tourism/recreation -
water management -

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Skadar Lake (Montenegro). Downloaded from on 25/11/2024.