Serra Malagueta Natural Park

Site description (2022 baseline):

Site location and context
Serra da Malagueta Natural Park is a mountain range located in the northern area of the island of Santiago, with an area of 774 ha and its highest point is at 1,064 m high. This natural park comprises the current state forest perimeter and some ridges where the presence of endemic species is significant. The area contains the largest number of plants endemic to the island of Santiago (26), 14 of which are classified as threatened on Cabo Verde's red list.   

Key biodiversity
The park has 124 plant species, 26 of which are endemic of Santiago. Some of the species present in this park are: Lantana camara, Furcraea foetida, Artemisia gorgonum, Campanula jacobaea, Campylantus glaber glaber, Echium hypertropicum, Globularia amygdalifolia, Lavandula rotundifolia, Satureja forbesii, Sideroxylon marginata marmulano, Tornabenea annua, Umbilicus schmidtii, Verbascum capitis-viridis, Sonchus daltonii and Euphorbia tuckeyana. Furthemore, this natural park has 19 species of birds, some of the species or subspecies presented are endemic to Cabo Verde, such as Ardea purpurea bournei, Apus alexandri, Passer iagoensis, Acrocephalis brevipennis, Pterodroma feae, Hydrobates jabejabe and Puffinus lherminieri boydi. There are also six species of lizards including the endemic Chioninia spinalis spinalis, Chioninia vaillanti and Tarentola rudis rudis.    

MAVA Foundation. Site identified during the MAVA funded project: "Conserving the seabirds of Cabo Verde" (2020 - 2022). Partner consultation supported by Ana Veiga (BirdLife Project Manager, Cabo Verde) and Jonathan Handley (BirdLife, UK). Site identification supported by: Samir Martins (BIOS.CV), Herculano Dinis (Projecto Vitó), Albert Taxonera (Associação Projeto Biodiversidade), Marcos Hernández (Associação Projeto Biodiversidade), Isabel Fortes (Biosfera), Catelene Monteiro (Biosfera), Pedro Geraldes (SPEA ), Ariana Cabral (Lantuna), Jacob González-Solís (University of Barcelona), Teresa Militão (University of Barcelona), Vitor Paiva (University of Coimbra).

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Serra Malagueta Natural Park (Cape Verde). Downloaded from on 27/11/2024.