Current view: Reference and further resources
Anon. 1998. Statistik Perlindungan Hutan dan Pelestarian Alam 1997/1998. Departemen Kehutanan dan Perkebunan, Direktorat Jenderal Perlindungan Hutan dan Pelestarian Alam, Jakarta.Kadarisman, R. 1991.
The breeding habitat of the Storm's Stork in Indonesia. Ms. Sub-Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Sumatra Selatan.Silvius, M.J. 1988. On the importance of Sumatra's east coast for waterbirds, with notes on the Asian Dowitcher
Limnodromus semipalmatus. Kukila 3(3-4):117-137.Verheugt, W.J.M., Skov, H. and Danielsen, F. 1993. Notes on birds of the tidal lowlands and floodplains of South Sumatra. Kukila 6(2): 53-84.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Sembilang (Indonesia). Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.