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Site description (2006 baseline):
Site location and context
Saunders Island is the second largest offshore island in the
Falklands and has been managed as a working sheep farm
for many years. It has a complex shape, being about 13
miles (21 km) from east to west and almost as wide from
north-east to south-west. There are three large upland
areas, with the highest point (457 m) at the summit of
Mount Richards. There are varied habitats, including
wetland and permanent lakes, areas of dune formations
and extensive steep cliff slopes, particularly towards the
northern and western coasts. A narrow waist of open dune
and sand flats (The Neck), north-west of Mount Richards,
leads to Elephant Point with Mount Harston (433 m) and
the far western coast known as the Holy City, where steep
cliffs provide habitat for Black-browed Albatrosses and
Rockhopper Penguins. The slopes of the upland areas are
rich in native flora, which consists of feldmark formation
and upland hea
About 50 species have been recorded on Saunders Island,
40 of them breeding or probably breeding. The Cobb’s
Wren is absent and few songbirds are seen, due to the
presence of introduced cats and rats. However, in some
valleys with more vegetation and, particularly, good stands
of Fachine Chiliotrichum diffusum, songbird numbers are
higher. The largest variety of waterbirds is found on and
around the ponds on Elephant Point. A colony of Silvery
Grebes favours this locality. There are significant
populations of Imperial and Rock Shags that warrant
further investigation. The Tussacbird has been recorded
recently but is not thought to be breeding. There are one to
two pairs of Macaroni Penguins among the Rockhoppers
but insufficient to warrant site qualification. A small colony
of Southern Giant Petrels has been recorded on a small
island adjacent to Burnt Island, south of Saunders Island.
Endemic sub-species present are the Whitetufted/
Rolland’s Grebe, Upland Goose, Dark-faced
Ground-tyrant, Falkland Pipit, Falkland Thrush and the
Long-tailed Meadowlark. Members of the Royal Air Force
Ornithological Society carried out a complete coastal
survey in 1995.
Non-bird biodiversity: Up to five Southern Elephant Seal Pups are born annually
at Elephant Point, and this area is also a favourite haul-out
for adults, especially during moulting. A few Southern Sea
Lions and the occasional South American Fur Seal haul out
on the island.
Saunders is one of the few offshore islands that have had
an intensive sample survey of their flora. In the early 1990s,
176 species were found, including eight endemics. Coastal
rocks, dry ridges and moist areas were found to support
the most varied species groups.
Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
Saunders Island has a thriving tourist industry, with selfcatering
facilities in the settlement and at The Neck.
Approximately 200–500 cruise ship passengers per year
visit throughout the summer, mostly at The Neck, to see
the Gentoo and King Penguins on the sands and the
Imperial Shag, Rockhopper Penguin and Black-browed
Albatross colonies on the slopes of Mount Richards. It is
very important that the Falkland Islands Countryside Code
(see Appendix 1) is followed, particularly to guard against
the risk of fire. There are more albatross and penguin
colonies to the north and east of Rookery Mountain. Some
areas of the coast are prone to erosion and the entire island
has grazing stock with little Tussac. Saunders Island has
great potential for managed recovery from overgrazing and
its importance as a tourist site within the archipelago is
increasing, both to land- and ship-based tourists.
Unfortunately, the island has populations of feral cats,
House Mice, rats and some rabbits, and because of the size
and varied habitat, it is unlikely to be cleared of introduced
predators in the near future. Control programmes around
sensitive sites could perhaps reduce the threat to key bird
species from rats and cats. All visitors should be advised
about the dangers of accidentally introducing alien species
to the Falklands. Accidentally introduced Spear Thistles are
becoming more prevalent across the island and volunteers
helped to destroy some in the autumn of 2003. With careful
management, it is hoped that this alien plant species can be
eradicated from the island in the next few years.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Saunders Island (Falkland Islands (Malvinas)). Downloaded from on 16/01/2025.