Current view: Reference and further resources
Auhezov E.M. (1974) Quantities and distribution of water-fowl species at the period of molt on the water-bodies of Tengiz-Korgalgin Hollow and of the south of Turgai Depression. Proceedings of U1 AUOK. Moscow, MNU Publ.H., Part 2, P.238-239. (in Russian)
Auhezov E.M. (1977) Materials on extinction-prone and rare bird species of Tengiz-Korgalgin Hollow and Turgai Depression. Rare and threatened mammals and birds of Kazakhstan. (Proceedings of scientific conference of 15-16 of February of 1973), Almaty, Nauka Publ. H., P.119-130. (in Russian)
Auhezov E.M., Vinogradov V.G. (1986) Summer aerial counts of water-fowl species on the water-bodies of Turgai Depession. Birds survey in USSR, protection and rational use of birds resources. Report briefs of 1X AUOK. Leningrad. S.1, P.46-47. (in Russian)
Bragin E.A. (1999) State of rare bird species in the Northern Turgai Region and at Naurzum Zapovednik. Regional aspects of birds’ protection in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Moscow. P.85-92. (in Russian)
Bragin E.A. (2002) Contemporary state of Crane species in Kostanai Region, Kazakhstan. Eurasian Cranes (distribution, numbers, biology). Moscow, P.168-174. (in Russian)
Bragin E.A. (2002) Sarykoa Lake System. The most important wet-lands of Northern Kazakhstan (within the limits of Kostanai and the Western Part of North-Kazakhstan Regions) Edited by Bragin E.A. and Bragina T.M., Russian University, P.115-121. (in Russian)
Bragin E.A. (2001) Lakes dynamics and waterfowl of Ubagan-Ishym Interfluve and of Northern Turgai. Materials of 11International conference “Actual problems of research and protection of birds of Eastern Europe and Central Asia”. Kazan’, P.120-122. (in Russian).
Bragin E.A., and BraginaT.M. (2002) T.M. Wetlands in system of natural complexes of Northern Kazakhstan. General characteristic and nature-protection importance. The most important wetlands of Northern Kazakhstan (in limits of Kostanay and west part of North-Kazakhstan regions). Moscow: Russian University (series WWF, issue 5): 19-38. (in Russian)
Vinogradov V.G. Auhezov E.M., (1990) Population numbers, distribution and breeding success of the Swans in the Middle Kazakhstan in 1985 and 1987. Ecology and protection of swan species in USSR. Melitopol, P. 6-11. (in Russian)
. Vinogradov V.G. Auhezov E.M., (1991) Population numbers and distribution of Phalacrocorax carbo in Turgai Depession, on the data of August aerial counts. Proceedings X AUOK. Minsk., “Nauka I technika” Publ. H., S.- 2, P.111-112. (in Russian)
Vinogradov V.G. Auhezov E.M., (1991) Population numbers and distribution of the Pelicans in the Middle Kazakhstan. Rare mammals and birds of Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata, “Galym”, P.7-18. (in Russian)
Vinogradov, V.G. and Auezov E.M. (1995). Turgai Depression as the system of most important wetlands for waterfowl. Proceedings of scientific-practice Conference on hunting management under new economic conditions. Almaty: 67-70. (in Russian).
Volkov E.N. (1984) Aerial counts of water-fowl numbers on the lakes of Central Kazakhstan. Research and protection of objects of preservation. A – Ata, P. 40-42. (in Russian)
Voronov A.G., Skryabina A.A. (1964) The types of water-bodies of Kostanai Region and particulars of their flora components. Sketches on biogeography of Kostanai Region. M., MSU Publ. H., P.61-85. (in Russian)
Danilenko E.A. (1977) About distribution and quantities of water-fowl species at Turgai Valley. Protection and rational tapping of water-fowl birds’ resources in USSR. Moscow, P. 70-72. (in Russian).
Yerokhov S.N., Berezovikov N.N., Kellomyaki E.N., Ripatti N.L. (2000). Anser erythropus and concomitant species of geese on their migration in Kazakhstan. Brant # 6, Bulletin of the working group on geese and swans of Eastern Europe and Central Asia., M.,P.121-157.
Muravlyov G.G.(1959) Complex characterization of the Kostanai Region lakes Sarykpa and Zhaksy-Akkol. Transactions of the Geography Sector of AS KazSSR, Issue 3, P.43-99. (in Russian)
Strautman E.I., Stepanov U.V. (1977) Population numbers of the Swans and Pelicans on the major water-bodies of Kazakhstan and proposed measures for their protection. Rare and threatened mammals and birds of Kazakhstan. (Proceedings of scientific conference of 15-16 of February of 1973), Almaty, Nauka Publ. H., P.226-228. (in Russian)
Tcheltsov-Bebutov A.M. (1957) About pulsation of the areas of distribution of several bird species in the region of Turgai Meridian Depression. Problems of terrestrial zoogeography. Proceedings of the conference of 1-9 June of 1957, L’vov, P. 325-334. (in Russian)
Shilinger F.F. (1934) Aral-Turgai Gully. Moscow. “Zhyzn’ i znaniye” Cooperative Publ. H., 136 p. (in Russian)
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Sarykopa Lake System (Kazakhstan). Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.