Sahamalaza - Radama Islands National Marine Park

Site description (2001 baseline):

Site location and context
The site comprises the Sahamalaza peninsula, the 30-km-long bay itself, the mangrove to the east of the peninsula (8,400 ha) and the coral reefs to the west (more than 10,000 ha). The peninsula has steep slopes, rising to 170 m in the southern part. Its west coast is stony and rocky, with mangroves. The principal rivers flowing into the bay are the Andranomalaza, which passes the town of Maromandia, and the Manamboro and Samonta, which lie to the south. On the slopes, the vestiges of a dense, dry deciduous forest form two blocks, situated in the south (Analavory Forest) and west (north of Ambinda village) of the peninsula. The dominant tree species include Dalbergia, Albizia and Tamarindus. The north-eastern part has been cleared of forest, but seems to be regenerating. In the mangroves, all eight mangrove tree species found in Madagascar are present, and can reach more than 8 m in height.

Key biodiversity
See Box and Table 3 for key species. The site is important for several pairs of Haliaeetus vociferoides and large flocks of Sterna bengalensis.

Non-bird biodiversity: Lemurs: Phaner furcifer (nt), Eulemur macaco flavifrons (CR), Hapalemur griseus occidentalis (VU), Lepilemur dorsalis (VU), Avahi occidentalis (VU), Daubentonia madagascariensis (EN). Carnivore: Cryptoprocta ferox (VU).

Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
A consortium of universities and zoos, acting on behalf of MEF, is studying the possible designation of Sahamalaza Bay as a national park. The site is experiencing over-exploitation of its natural resources, such as mangrove products and sea-cucumbers of the coral reefs. Slash-and-burn cultivation and burning of grassland also constitute threats to the site.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Sahamalaza - Radama Islands National Marine Park (Madagascar). Downloaded from on 23/11/2024.