The site was identified as internationally important for bird conservation in 2007 because it was regularly supporting significant populations of the species listed below, meeting ('triggering') IBA criteria.
Species |
Red List |
Season (year/s of estimate) |
Size |
IBA criteria |
Highland Guan Penelopina nigra |
VU |
resident (2006) |
1,000-2,499 birds |
A1, A2, A3 |
Plain Chachalaca Ortalis vetula |
LC |
resident (2006) |
1,000-2,499 birds |
A3 |
White-faced Quail-Dove Zentrygon albifacies |
LC |
resident (2001) |
250-999 birds |
A3 |
Green-throated Mountain-gem Lampornis viridipallens |
LC |
resident (2001) |
50,000-99,999 birds |
A2, A3 |
Amethyst-throated Mountain-gem Lampornis amethystinus |
LC |
resident (2001) |
2,500-9,999 birds |
A3 |
Garnet-throated Hummingbird Lamprolaima rhami |
LC |
resident (2001) |
2,500-9,999 birds |
A3 |
Sparkling-tailed Woodstar Tilmatura dupontii |
LC |
resident (2001) |
50-249 birds |
A3 |
Wine-throated Hummingbird Selasphorus ellioti |
LC |
resident (2001) |
250-999 birds |
A2, A3 |
White-eared Hummingbird Basilinna leucotis |
LC |
resident (2001) |
2,500-9,999 birds |
A3 |
Emerald-chinned Hummingbird Abeillia abeillei |
LC |
resident (2001) |
250-999 birds |
A3 |
Mountain Trogon Trogon mexicanus |
LC |
resident (2001) |
250-999 birds |
A3 |
Blue-throated Motmot Aspatha gularis |
LC |
resident (2001) |
50-249 birds |
A2, A3 |
Chestnut-colored Woodpecker Celeus castaneus |
LC |
resident (2001) |
1,000-2,499 birds |
A3 |
Tawny-winged Woodcreeper Dendrocincla anabatina |
LC |
resident (2001) |
2,500-9,999 birds |
A3 |
White-collared Manakin Manacus candei |
LC |
resident (2001) |
1,000-2,499 birds |
A3 |
Lovely Cotinga Cotinga amabilis |
LC |
resident (2001) |
< 50 birds |
A3 |
Yellow-bellied Tyrannulet Ornithion semiflavum |
LC |
resident (2001) |
1,000-2,499 birds |
A3 |
Couch's Kingbird Tyrannus couchii |
LC |
resident (2001) |
50-249 birds |
A3 |
Black-throated Jay Cyanolyca pumilo |
LC |
resident (2001) |
250-999 birds |
A3 |
Bushy-crested Jay Cyanocorax melanocyaneus |
LC |
resident (2001) |
2,500-9,999 birds |
A2, A3 |
Black-capped Swallow Atticora pileata |
LC |
resident (2001) |
250-999 birds |
A2, A3 |
Northern Nightingale-wren Microcerculus philomela |
LC |
resident (2001) |
1,000-2,499 birds |
A3 |
Rufous-browed Wren Troglodytes rufociliatus |
LC |
resident (2001) |
2,500-9,999 birds |
A2, A3 |
Blue-and-white Mockingbird Melanotis hypoleucus |
LC |
resident (2001) |
250-999 birds |
A2, A3 |
Brown-backed Solitaire Myadestes occidentalis |
LC |
resident (2001) |
1,000-2,499 birds |
A3 |
Slate-colored Solitaire Myadestes unicolor |
LC |
resident (2001) |
100,000-499,999 birds |
A3 |
Black Thrush Turdus infuscatus |
LC |
resident (2001) |
2,500-9,999 birds |
A3 |
Rufous-collared Thrush Turdus rufitorques |
LC |
resident (2001) |
250-999 birds |
A2, A3 |
Grey Silky-flycatcher Ptiliogonys cinereus |
LC |
resident (2001) |
250-999 birds |
A3 |
Olive Warbler Peucedramus taeniatus |
LC |
resident (2001) |
50-249 birds |
A3 |
Blue-crowned Chlorophonia Chlorophonia occipitalis |
LC |
resident (2001) |
2,500-9,999 birds |
A3 |
Olive-backed Euphonia Euphonia gouldi |
LC |
resident (2001) |
1,000-2,499 birds |
A3 |
Hooded Grosbeak Hesperiphona abeillei |
LC |
resident (2001) |
250-999 birds |
A3 |
Green-backed Sparrow Arremonops chloronotus |
LC |
resident (2001) |
1,000-2,499 birds |
A3 |
Montezuma Oropendola Psarocolius montezuma |
LC |
resident (2001) |
250-999 birds |
A3 |
Black-cowled Oriole Icterus prosthemelas |
LC |
resident (2001) |
1,000-2,499 birds |
A3 |
Golden-browed Warbler Basileuterus belli |
LC |
resident (2001) |
10,000-19,999 birds |
A3 |
Black-throated Shrike-tanager Lanio aurantius |
LC |
resident (2001) |
250-999 birds |
A3 |
Crimson-collared Tanager Ramphocelus sanguinolentus |
LC |
resident (2001) |
1,000-2,499 birds |
A3 |
Ramphocelus passerinii |
NR |
resident (2001) |
1,000-2,499 birds |
A3 |
Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer Diglossa baritula |
LC |
resident (2001) |
2,500-9,999 birds |
A3 |
The Local Conservation Group(s) listed below are working to conserve this IBA.
For more information on BirdLife's work with Local Conservation Groups, please visit