Ribeira do Rabil

Site description (2001 baseline):

Site location and context
The area is situated on the western side of Boavista, at the mouth of the Ribeira do Rabil, or Ribeira Grande, the main watercourse on the island. The site comprises an area extending c.7 km east from the coast to the road connecting Vila de Sal Rei (the island’s main town) with the airfield and the village of Rabil. Surrounded by mobile sand-dunes and Tamarix senegalensis bushes, with a wide lagoon at the stream’s outlet, the ribeira is scenically attractive. Following rain, the ribeira may swell to an impressive stream but, for most of the year, it consists of brackish pools which gradually dry out as the dry season advances. The lagoon, however, is filled with water all year. Besides tamarix, the vegetation is dominated by Cyperus spp., Zygophyllum spp. and Euphorbia spp.

Key biodiversity
See Box and Table 2 for key species. The lagoon and adjacent ribeira usually hold good numbers of wintering migrant waders—16 species have been recorded. Numbers of waders usually do not exceed c.300 birds, but this is unusual in the islands. The only breeding wader is Charadrius alexandrinus. In addition, migrant herons (four species), Platalea leucorodia, and terns (four species) are regularly recorded in the area. Formerly, Marmaronetta angustirostris and Gallinula chloropus bred along the lagoon, but neither has been recorded in recent years. The bushes along the lagoon also provide a popular roost for Bubulcus ibis. A representative arid-zone avifauna occurs in the surrounding dunes and bushes and includes Coturnix coturnix, Cursorius cursor, Ammomanes cincturus, Alaemon alaudipes, Sylvia conspicillata, Passer hispaniolensis and P. iagoensis.

Non-bird biodiversity: The endemic lizards Mabuya stangeri and Hemidactylus bouvieri occur.

Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
The area has been proposed as a protected area under the NPPAP. Traditionally, Tamarix and other bushes are collected for firewood and fodder and, at times, considerable areas are cut down. In recent years a small tourist industry has been developing on Boavista, mainly involving beach recreation and wind-surfing. This is taking place on beaches adjacent to the lagoon area, and an increasing number of tourists are intruding upon the area, causing frequent disturbance to birds. Significant tourism development on Boavista is likely in the near future, and this may include enlargement of the airport to accommodate international flights. Such structural development may directly affect Riberia do Rabil, which is close to the airport, while increased tourism will almost certainly lead to regular disturbance of the lagoon, which lies between the main airport road and a popular beach recreation area.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Ribeira do Rabil (Cape Verde). Downloaded from on 23/11/2024.