Site description (2004 baseline):
AVIFAUNA: Detailed studies on the avifauna have not been conducted till now, but based on preliminary work, Das (1998) and Deb (1998), a checklist of 58 birds is available. However, this list is not very reliable and we need proper study on the birds of this IBA. Nevertheless, of the 12 extant Restricted Range species of Andaman Islands (Stattersfield et al. 1998), 11 have been reported. The twelfth species, namely Narcondam Hornbill Aceros narcondami, is only found on Narcondam Island, and nowhere else in the world. The presence of 11 Restricted Range species in this IBA proves its conservation value. There are also many endemic subspecies for which the Andaman Islands are famous among ornithologists. The Andaman Teal Anas albogularis, earlier considered as an endemic subspecies of the Grey Teal A. gibberifrons, is now listed as full species by Rasmussen and Anderton (in press). With an estimated population between 500 to 600 (Vijayan and Sankaran 2000), it could be one of the rarest birds of India. In Ritchie’s Archipelago, it was observed on three locations: Outram Island in the south creek, Kawangtung Strait between Henry Lawrence and John Lawrence, and Havelock No. 5 (Andrews 2000). More than 100 Andaman Teal were reported on John Lawrence Island during the wet season in a freshwater stream on the northeastern side of this island, where the sea enters the stream during spring tides (Vijayan and Sankaran 1997). This could be the largest flock of this extremely rare bird. However, according to R. Sankaran (pers. comm.), the population of this rare species is underestimated and secondly, during the non-breeding season, the Teal congregate, so sighting more than 100 birds could be incidental.
OTHER KEY FAUNA: The Park is considered rich in faunal diversity. Forty-five reptiles, 12 amphibians and 21 mammals species are reported from the Park (Das 1998, quoted in Andrews and Sankaran 2002). Some of the endemic species of reptiles are Daniel’s Forest Lizard Bronchocela danieli (Endangered) and Andaman Island Grass Skink Mabuya andamanensis (Vulnerable) (Anon. 2001). Andaman Water Monitor, Varanus salvator andamanensis is quite common in creeks and forest. Four species of sea turtles are found, namely the Olive Ridley Lepidochelys olivacea, Green Turtle Chelonia mydas, Hawksbill Turtle Eretmochelys imbricata and Leatherback Turtle Dermochelys coriacea.
Over 80 species of corals are reported from just one part of the Park. The coral reef fauna is extremely rich. Mustafa et al. (1987) have described the coral reefs and coral fish and the damage due to siltation, improper fishing methods and logging activities.
This Park is easy to access from Port Blair by both Indian and foreign tourists. Tourism has increased immensely in the last decade. Concentration of settlements along its borders and indiscriminate fishing in this area has resulted in considerable recent disturbance. Some amount of domestic waste is disposed of into this part of the sea that could be harmful to corals and associated fauna. Wimco (a corporation) and the Andaman Timber Industries carried out timber extraction in the three main islands during the 1960s and 1970s (Andrews 2000). Timber extraction by the Forest Department continued till it was stopped by an order of the Supreme Court in 2002. Over-fishing of reef fish for export is taking a heavy toll on the reefs, including shell diving and collection of sea cucumbers (Mustafa et al. 1987, Andrews 2000). North, Middle and South Button, Inglis, Wilson and Nicholson island should be included in this Park, prior to the final notification (Andrews 2000). A species monitoring programme for endangered flora and fauna should be initiated and based on research findings, the management plan of the Park should be developed. Islanders of Havelock and Neill could be trained to act as guides and boatman for tourists. Mechanism to provide basic biomass needs to the local people should be incorporated in the management plan.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Rani Jhansi Marine National Park (India). Downloaded from on 22/01/2025.