Pededze forest and Parabaine

Country/territory: Latvia

IBA criteria met: C1, C6 (2004)
For more information about IBA criteria, please click here

Area: 14,737 ha

Latvijas Ornitologijas Biedriba

Site description (2004 baseline)
Vast complex of forests and wetlands along the Pededze and Aiviekste rivers. Mostly covered by deciduous and coniferous forest, with significant areas of former fens and meadows in transition to bushes and forest. It comprises remnants of open natural flood-plain meadows along the widely meandering Pededze river lined with many oxbows and scattered Oak trees. Listed as an IBA since 1994 [3, 4, 1]. High protection level: there is a 90% overlap with three restricted nature reserves: Pededzes lejtece, Parabaine (both candidate SPAs) and Seldzu oak grove.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Pededze forest and Parabaine (Latvia). Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.