
Site description (2000 baseline):

Site location and context
An extensive wetland by öxarfjördur bay, comprising rivers (fed by cold and thermal springs), freshwater and brackish marshes, streams, lakes and pools. The freshwater marshes are dominated by sedges (Carex, Eriophorum). Land-uses include grazing, fishing and fish-farming.

Key biodiversity
There is a good variety of other breeding waterfowl and waders.

Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
Predation by introduced American mink Mustela vison threatens waterbird populations. Nootka lupin Lupinus nootkatensis, an introduced plant which is highly invasive, is a threat to the natural vegetation of the habitat. The pollution and development caused by fish-farming are potential problems, as is a plan to build a geothermal power-station. The area is on the list of sites of conservation interest in the Nature Conservation Register.

Protected areas
National None International None

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Oxarfjordur (Iceland). Downloaded from on 23/11/2024.